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Auto-sklearn AutoML Installation instructions


Auto-Sklearn is a Auto Machine Learning Library built ontop of the sklearn library. See here for more information

Note: Due to the nature of Auto-SKlearn, the package is not currently supported on Windows or macOS Machines.

Running on Google Collab

Perhaps the easiest way to use autosklearn is to use Google Collab.

Open In Colab

Linux Installation

If you are running Linux, you can create an enviroment from the auto_sklearn_env.yaml file in this folder.

You will need to Anaconda installed Run the following in your terminal.

conda env create --prefix ./envs --file auto_sklearn_env.yml
conda activate ./auto_sklearn_env
jupyter notebook

HPCC Access

For Windows or macOS machines, you are recommended to run this on the HPCC.


In order to run this example easily, it is suggested that Anaconda 3 with python is used. With using Anaconda, since many python pacakges are already installed and conda is pre-installed, the setup will be less intensive.

If you already have Anaconda 3 with python, you can skip to Virtual Enviroment Setup.

Below are instructions on how to install Anaconda 3 with python version 3.9 on the HPCC. We will also set up a new virtual enviroment with the packages we will need to install to get our example working. Please note this would probably work best if you can keep this open and also have access to a terminal in another window.

INSTALL Anaconda 3 w/ Python 3.9 on HPCC:

The following was created on 2/18/2022. It is possbile at the time you are reading this the Anaconda version has updated. If this is the case, visit Anconda's website and use the link to the newest Anconda version in place of the link below. Note you can find the download link by going to the Anaconda Website. Finding where you can download Anaconda. You will see there is a linux option something like "64-Bit (x86) Installer (XXX MB)". Right click on this and copy the link it directs you to (do not actually follow the link). This will be the link you change in the curl command below. Also make sure to change the bash command to run the appropiate script. You can easily see what this by looking at the end of the link. In this case it is

You will need access to the HPCC. If this is Spring 2022, you will have access to the HPCC if you apart of CMSE 495. If this is not Spring 2022, check with your Instructor to see if you have access to the HPCC.

To access HPCC visit this site and click on the link to OnDemand. Once logged in, find the tab on top that says something like "Devleopment Node". Click on this tab, and select any development node. You now will have access to a shell and can run the following commands.

  1. In your home directory (~), or wherever you would like, you will want to download the installation script from Anaconda's website. This can easily be done with this command.
curl -O
  1. Next we need to run the installation script. To do this makes sure you are in the same directory as the file we just downloaded. Then run the following.
  1. The installation process will ask you a few things

  2. Read through the License agreement by pressing/holding ENTER

  3. Type "yes" to accept the terms

  4. You will then be asked where you would like to install anaconda 3. Press "Enter" to save it in ~/anaconda3, or if you have another location you would like to save it, you can enter this here. But note this guide assumes this is installed in the home directory. You may neeed to modify directions later based on where you save anaconda3.

  5. Once finished installing, it will ask if you would like the installer to initalize Anaconda3. In order to allow for the most future flexibility. You will type "No". (You can say "yes", however, when you need to run different versions of anaconda. You will need to comment out the "conda initalize" commands that are placed in your ~/.bashrc)

  6. Now we will need to activate our Anaconda with running

module load Anaconda/3
  1. You can now delete or move the file to wherever you would like.

  2. You can test that the installation worked properly if the following command returns conda 4.10.3 or something equivalent.

conda --version

Virtual Enviroment Setup:

From the last section, make sure you Anaconda 3 is active (Make sure you have ran module load Anaconda/3 prior)

conda --version

If a version number was given you are good to go.

We will now create the enviroment, and set ourselves up to launch a Jupyter Notebook.

Load the Enviroment from the yml file

Loading the enviroment yaml file allows you to use the same exact enviroment we used to run the code

  1. In the terminal navigate to the same folder this is in (/Auto-SKLearn_AutoML).

  2. You can create the enviroment from the auto_sklearn_env.yml file with

conda env create -f auto_sklearn_env.yml

Launching Jupyter Notebook with auto_sklearn_env

We can start a "Jupyter Notebook Interactive App" on OnDemand to access our Jupyter Notebook and using settings we can tell it to use the appropiate enviroment.

  1. Open up Ondemand and find the "Interactive Apps" tab and click on "Jupyter Notebook"

There is a list of setting to change, here is what we put, but you can change hours/cores/memory/advanced setings as needed.

  • Number of hours: 2
  • Number of cores per task: 1
  • Amount of memory: 5gb
  • CHECK: Launch Jupyter Notebook using the Anaconda installation in my home directory
  • Anaconda Path: anaconda3
  • Conda Environment: auto_sklearn_env
  1. Now click launch. Wait for the the job to make it through the "Queued". Then it should say "Starting". It should take less than 3 min to start. If you are waiting anylonger please make sure you followed the above steps exactly. If successful, it should now say "Running". There will be a Blue button that says "Connect to Jupyter". Click that and you will have successfully launched Jupyter Notebooks with our enviroment that has Auto-sklearn pre-installed!

  2. Navigate to this repository and run our examples.


In the future you would like to delete the enviroment you can use

conda env remove -n auto_sklearn_env

Also if you are interest in using Jupyter Notebooks Interactive App on OnDemand in general and want to use the "base" anaconda. You can change "Conda Environment" in the settings to be "base".


In order to take full advantage of GPU with Auto-SKlean, it is suggested to use a developer node with GPU access (dev-intel16-k80, dev-amd20-v100 ---- Note that dev-intel14-k20 most likely not work with this example). This can be set with the Jupyter Notebook Interactive App setting in the Advanced Options. Set "Node Type" to intel16 or intel14 and change "Number of GPUs" to 1 or more.

(Optional if GPU does not work, with just the settings above) We need to load the appropiate modules for use of CUDA. In your ~/.bashrc add the following commands to the end of the file.

module load GCC/8.3.0
module load CUDA/10.2.89