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SynthDAQ Class file.

WARNING: SynthDAQ is still very much in development

Author: Jason Merlo
Maintainer: Jason Merlo (
import logging                       # Debug messages
import numpy as np                   # Data processing
import threading                     # Asynchronous operation of DAQ
# import time                          # Sleeping DAQ sample thread

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt      # Graphing trajectory
import scipy.constants as spc        # speed of light
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# import multiprocess as mp
from multiprocess import Pool
# from pathos.multiprocessing import ProcessingPool as Pool
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from pyratk.acquisition import daq   # Base DAQ class
from pyratk.datatypes.motion import StateMatrix  # Tracking state
from pyratk.datatypes.ts_data import TimeSeries  # Storing time-series data
from pyratk.datatypes.geometry import Point      # Coodinate systems

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# Configure logging options
                    format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

class SynthDAQ(daq.DAQ):
    """Generate synthetic datasets based on parametric trajectories."""

    coordinate_types = {
        'cartesian': ('x', 'y', 'z'),
        'cylindrical': ('r', 'theta', 'z'),
        'spherical': ('rho', 'theta', 'phi')

    def __init__(self, daq, array):
        """Create SynthDAQ to generate synthetic data.

            array (type): Description of parameter `array`.
            daq (type): Description of parameter `daq`.
            trajectory_samples_per_sample (type): Description of parameter `trajectory_samples_per_sample`.

            None: no return.

        # DAQ Attributes
        self.sample_interval = daq['sample_interval']
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        self.sample_rate = 1.0 / daq['sample_interval']
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        self.sample_chunk_size = daq['sample_size']
        self.daq_type = 'SynthDAQ'
        self.num_channels = 2 * len(array['radar_list'])

        # Array Attributes
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        self.array = array['radar_list']
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        # start paused if no dataset is selected
        self.paused = True

        # Allow points to be generated as fast as possible
        self.time_warp = True

        self.reset_flag = False

        # Fake sampler period
        self.sample_chunk_period = self.sample_chunk_size / self.sample_rate

        # Create data member to store samples = None
        self.ds = None

        # Current time index of recording
        self.sample_index = 0

        # Create sevent for controlling draw events only when there is new data
        self.data_available = threading.Event()

        # Reset/load button sample thread locking
        self.reset_lock = threading.Event()

        self.t_sampling = threading.Thread(target=self.sample_loop)

        # Buffer for sampled data prior to processing
        self.buffer = []
        length = 4096
        shape = (self.num_channels, self.sample_chunk_size)
        self.ts_buffer = TimeSeries(length, shape)

        # === Trajectory variables === #
        # Placeholder for trajectory description
        self.coordinate_type = None
        self.waypoints = []
        self.trajectory_samples = np.zeros((3, 3, 0))
        self.radar_samples = []

    def load_trajectory(self, trajectory_dict):
        """Load in trajectory data from dict.

            trajectory_dict (type): Dictionary containing trajectory
            information parsed from .ymal file.

            RuntimeError: If required keys are missing from .yaml file.
            RuntimeWarning: If fewer than 2 waypoints are provided for path.

            None: No object returned.

        # === Check for valid parameters === #

        # Check for required members in dict
        missing_keys = set(['coordinate_type',
        if missing_keys:
            raise RuntimeError("Missing required trajectory member:",

        # Check for number of waypoints in file
        if len(trajectory_dict['waypoints']) <= 1:
            raise RuntimeWarning(
                "Number of waypoints should be greater than 1")

        # === Copy in required data === #
        self.coordinate_type = trajectory_dict['coordinate_type']

        # Generate list of waypoint states
        for wp in trajectory_dict['waypoints']:
            q = StateMatrix(np.array(wp)[:, :, 0])
            q_max = StateMatrix(np.array(wp)[:, :, 1])
            self.waypoints.append({'q': q, 'q_max': q_max})

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    def generate_trajectory_function(self):
        Compute trajectory function coefficients.

        Pre-compute trajectory funciton coefficiets to allow for arbitrary
        time sampling of target state(s) at a given time.

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    def generate_trajectory_samples(self):
        Pre-compute trajectory and sample location.

        Create array of StateMatrix at locations derived from DAQ sampling
        period using Linear Segments with Parabolic Blends (LSPB).
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        # TODO: Do not pre-compute; causes issues for modulated waveforms
        # TODO: Break into smaller functions to reduce cyclonomic complexity.

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        # Check if trajectory file has been loaded
        if self.waypoints == []:
            raise RuntimeError("Trajectory description file required to "
                               "generate trajectory samples.  Run "
                               "load_trajectory() first.")

        # Calculate sample period
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        logging.debug('sample_rate: {:+6.3f} (Hz)'.
                      format(1.0 / self.sample_interval))
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        # Iterate through each pair of waypoints to calculate trajectory
        wp1 = None
        for wp_idx, wp2 in enumerate(self.waypoints):
            # if first loop, copy in wp1 and restart loop
            if wp1 is None:
                wp1 = wp2

            # Correct waypoint index
            wp_idx -= 1

            # Create arrays to store blend and total times for each axis
            time_param_array = np.zeros((3, 3))

            print('=' * 10 + ' segment: {:} '.format(wp_idx) + '=' * 60)

            logging.debug('Computing time parameters to find longest time')

            # Iterate over each spatial dimension
            for dim in range(len(wp1['q'])):
                # Copy in as a and b for ease of reference
                a = wp1['q'][dim]
                b = wp2['q'][dim]
                q_max = wp1['q_max'][dim]

                # Check if any motion occurs in dimension; if not, skip
                if a[0] == b[0]:
                        'No motion on axis {:}, skipping.'.format(dim))

                # Flip waypoints and set reverse flag for calculations
                if b[0] < a[0]:
                    logging.debug('Negative motion, swapping waypionts.')
                    for idx in range(len(a) - 1):
                        a[idx], b[idx] = -a[idx], -b[idx]
                    reverse = True
                    reverse = False

                # Calculate maximum blend times
                tb1_max = abs((q_max[1] - a[1]) / a[2])
                tb2_max = abs((q_max[1] - b[1]) / a[2])

                # Calculate total time using maximum blend times
                tf_max = (b[0] - a[0] - a[1] * tb1_max - q_max[1] * tb2_max
                          - 0.5 * a[2] * (tb1_max**2 - tb2_max**2)
                          ) / q_max[1] + (tb1_max + tb2_max)

                logging.debug('tb1_max: {:+1.3} (s)'.format(tb1_max))
                logging.debug('tb2_max: {:+1.3} (s)'.format(tb2_max))

                logging.debug('tf_max: {:+1.3} (s)'.format(tf_max))

                # If total time must be less than the sum of the blend times,
                # the max velocity is not reached; no linear segment needed.
                if tf_max < tb1_max + tb2_max:
                    # logging.debug(
                    #     'Max. velocity not reached, using two segments.')

                    # Calculate blend and total time using two parabolic
                    # segments
                    R = np.sqrt(2 * (a[1]**2 + b[1]**2
                                     - 2 * a[0] * a[2]
                                     + 2 * a[2] * b[0]))

                    tb1 = -(2 * a[1] - R) / (2 * a[2])

                    tf = (a[1] - b[1]) / a[2] + 2 * tb1

                    # Set final values for blends and total time
                    tb2 = tf - tb1
                    tb1 = tb1_max
                    tb2 = tb2_max
                    tf = tf_max

                # Add time parameters to list
                time_param_array[dim] = np.array((tb1, tb2, tf))

                # Correct waypoints before continuing
                if reverse:
                    for idx in range(len(a) - 1):
                        a[idx], b[idx] = -a[idx], -b[idx]

            # Choose longest total time, rescale others
            max_dim = np.argmax(time_param_array[:, 2])
            tf = time_param_array[max_dim][2]
            scale_factor = np.ones((3,))

            for dim in range(len(wp1['q'])):
                # Do not re-scale dimension with max time
                if dim == max_dim:

                # Skip axis with no total time (no motion)
                if time_param_array[dim][2] == 0:

                # Re-scale blends
                scale_factor[dim] = tf / time_param_array[dim][2]
                for idx in range(2):
                    time_param_array[dim][idx] *= scale_factor[dim]

                time_param_array[dim][2] = tf

            logging.debug('max_dim: {:1}'.format(max_dim))
            logging.debug('max_tf: {:+1.3} (s)'.format(tf))

            # Calculate sampling times
            # NOTE: sample trajectory with DAQ sample_rate to ensure
            # re-creation of sample spread.
            num_samples = tf * self.sample_rate
            ts = np.linspace(0, tf, num_samples)  # sampled times

            # Iterate over each spatial dimension
            for dim in range(len(wp1['q'])):
                # Copy in as a and b for ease of reference
                a = wp1['q'][dim]
                b = wp2['q'][dim]
                q_max = wp1['q_max'][dim]

                print('=' * 20 + ' axis: ' + str(dim) + ' ' + '=' * 20)

                tb1 = time_param_array[dim][0]
                tb2 = time_param_array[dim][1]

                # Flip waypoints and set reverse flag for calculations
                if b[0] < a[0]:
                    logging.debug('Negative motion, swapping waypionts.')
                    for idx in range(len(a) - 1):
                        a[idx], b[idx] = -a[idx], -b[idx]
                    reverse = True
                    reverse = False

                # Create piecewise function for trajectory
                conditions = [
                    ts < tb1,
                    (tb1 <= ts) * (ts < tf - tb2),
                    tf - tb2 <= ts
                if reverse:
                    functions = [
                        lambda ts: np.array((- a[0] - a[1] * ts - 0.5 * a[2] * ts**2,
                                             - (a[1] + a[2] * ts),
                                             - a[2] + 0 * ts)),
                        lambda ts: np.array((functions[0](tb1)[0] + functions[0](tb1)[1] * (ts - tb1),
                                             functions[0](tb1)[1] + 0 * ts,
                                             0 + 0 * ts)),
                        lambda ts: np.array((functions[1](tf - tb2)[0] + functions[1](tf - tb2)[1] * (ts - (tf - tb2)) + 0.5 * a[2] * (ts - (tf - tb2))**2,
                                                 tf - tb2)[1] + a[2] * (ts - (tf - tb2)),
                                             a[2] + 0 * ts))
                    functions = [
                        lambda ts: np.array((a[0] + a[1] * ts + 0.5 * a[2] * ts**2,
                                             a[1] + a[2] * ts,
                                             a[2] + 0 * ts)),
                        lambda ts: np.array((functions[0](tb1)[0] + functions[0](tb1)[1] * (ts - tb1),
                                             functions[0](tb1)[1] + 0 * ts,
                                             0 + 0 * ts)),
                        lambda ts: np.array((functions[1](tf - tb2)[0] + functions[1](tf - tb2)[1] * (ts - (tf - tb2)) - 0.5 * a[2] * (ts - (tf - tb2))**2,
                                                 tf - tb2)[1] - a[2] * (ts - (tf - tb2)),
                                             - a[2] + 0 * ts))

                # Initialize state piece for current 3D segment
                if dim == 0:
                    trajectory_segment = np.zeros((3, 3, ts.shape[0]))

                # Generate sampled trajectory and append to sample list
                conditions = np.array(conditions, dtype=bool)
                n = len(conditions)

                # Compute piecewise function
                samples = np.zeros((3, ts.shape[0]))
                idx = 0
                for k in range(n):
                    f = functions[k]
                    vals = ts[conditions[k]]
                    if vals.size > 0:
                        f_piece = f(vals)
                        f_piece_len = f_piece.shape[1]
                        samples[:, idx:idx + f_piece_len] = \
                            f_piece[:, :samples.shape[1] - idx]
                        idx += f_piece_len

                # Correct angular quantities from yaml format (multiply by pi)
                if self.coordinate_type == 'cylindrical':
                    if dim == 1:
                        samples *= np.pi
                elif self.coordinate_type == 'spherical':
                    if dim in (1, 2):
                        samples *= np.pi

                # Insert segment samples into piecewise trajectory
                trajectory_segment[dim] = samples

                # Calculate debug info
                logging.debug('tf: {:+1.3} (s)'.format(tf))
                logging.debug('final_vel: {:+1.3} (m/s)'.
                              format((samples[0][-1] - samples[0][-2])
                                     / self.sample_chunk_period))
                logging.debug('final_pos: {:+1.3} (m)'.format(samples[0][-1]))

                # Correct waypoints before continuing
                if reverse:
                    for idx in range(len(a) - 1):
                        a[idx], b[idx] = -a[idx], -b[idx]

            # Append 3D state pice of piecewise function to trajectory samples
            # Creates one continuous array of 3x3 state matrices
            if wp_idx == 0:
                self.trajectory_samples = \
                    np.dstack((self.trajectory_samples, trajectory_segment))
                self.trajectory_samples = \
                               trajectory_segment[:, :, 1:]))

            # Incriment waypoints
            wp1 = wp2

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    def trajectory_to_csv(self):
        fp = open('trajectory.csv', 'w')

        time = np.array(list(range(self.trajectory_samples[0][0].shape[0]))) / self.sample_rate
        for t_idx, t in enumerate(time):
            fp.write(str(t) + ',')
            for i in range(3):
                for j in range(3):
                    val = (self.trajectory_samples[j][i][t_idx])
                    fp.write(str(val) + ',')

    def plot_trajectory(self, publish=True):
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        """Plot 3D trajectory on a 2D graph."""
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        # print('exiting in plot_trajectory for test purposes...')
        # exit()

        if publish:
            import matplotlib

            matplotlib.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = "Latan Modern Roman"
            matplotlib.rcParams[''] = "serif"
            matplotlib.rcParams['font.size'] = 8
            matplotlib.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True

            # In inches
            fig_size_x = 3.4875;
            fig_size_y = 2.5;

            from cycler import cycler
            monochrome = (cycler('color', ['k']) * cycler('marker', ['', '.']) *
                          cycler('linestyle', ['-', '--', ':', '=.']))
            plt.rc('axes', prop_cycle=monochrome)
            fig.suptitle('Target Position vs. Time', fontsize=10)

        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(fig_size_x, fig_size_y));

        plt.tight_layout(pad=0, w_pad=0, h_pad=0)

        plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.185, bottom=0.15, right=0.999, top=0.98, wspace=0.2, hspace=0.2)

        def m2rad(x):
            return x/np.pi

        def rad2m(x):
            return np.pi * x

        for i in range(2):
            ax = plt.subplot(211 + i)
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            axis_type = self.coordinate_types[self.coordinate_type]
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            for j in [1]:
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                    self.trajectory_samples[j][i].shape[0]))) / self.sample_rate),
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                    (self.trajectory_samples[j][i])/np.pi, label=axis_type[j] + '-axis')

            import matplotlib.ticker as tck
            ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(tck.FormatStrFormatter('%3.2f $\pi$'))

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            if i == 0:
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                # plt.legend()
                plt.ylabel('Angle (rad)', fontsize=8)

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            if i == 1:
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                plt.ylabel('Velocity (rad$\cdot$s$^{-1}$)', fontsize=8)

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            if i == 2:
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                plt.ylabel('Acceleration (m/s/s)', fontsize=8)
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        plt.xlabel('Time (s)')
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        if publish:
            plt.savefig('trajectory.pdf', format='pdf')
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    def generate_array_samples(self):
        Compute radar measurements at each trajectory sample location.

        Cycle through radar array and gnerate synthetic data modeling radar
        type, noise, and other factors.

            1. Compute velocity normal to radar for Doppler calculation
            2. Compute time domain Doppler frequency for each sampled location
                x[n] = [cos(w[n] * n * T), sin(w[n] * n * T)]
        # NOTE: copying data into TimeSeries ONLY, not buffer for processing.
        # Compute number of full samples in array
        num_sample_chunks = self.trajectory_samples.shape[2] // self.sample_chunk_size
        logging.debug('num_samples: {:}'.format(num_sample_chunks))

        # Allocate doppler sample array
        doppler_samples_size = (self.num_channels // 2, 2,
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        doppler_samples = np.empty(doppler_samples_size, dtype=np.float64)

        # Generate doppler response from trajectory for each radar in array
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        for radar_idx, radar in enumerate(self.array['receivers']):
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            logging.debug("generate_array_samples (%-completion): {:6.2f}".
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                          format(radar_idx * 100.0 / len(self.array)))
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            doppler_samples[radar_idx] = \
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                self.generate_carrier_waveform(radar, self.trajectory_samples)

            # complex_data = doppler_samples[radar_idx][0] + doppler_samples[radar_idx][1] * 1.0j
            # fft_velocity = self.compute_cfft_velocity(complex_data, fft_window=2)
            # plt.plot(fft_velocity, label='fft_velocity')
            # plt.ylabel('frequency')
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        # Allocate radar sample array (I & Q)
        radar_samples_size = (self.num_channels, doppler_samples.shape[-1])
        radar_samples = np.empty(radar_samples_size, dtype=np.float64)

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        # TODO: use columns specified in yaml file
        # radar_samples[0, :] = doppler_samples[0][0]
        # radar_samples[1, :] = doppler_samples[0][1]
        # radar_samples[2, :] = doppler_samples[1][0]
        # radar_samples[3, :] = doppler_samples[1][1]
        # radar_samples[4, :] = doppler_samples[2][0]
        # radar_samples[5, :] = doppler_samples[2][1]

        radar_samples[0, :] = doppler_samples[0][0]
        radar_samples[1, :] = doppler_samples[0][1]
        radar_samples[2, :] = doppler_samples[1][0]
        radar_samples[3, :] = doppler_samples[1][1]

        # if 'i-channel' in self.array[0]:
        #     for idx, radar in enumerate(self.array):
        #         i_ch = radar['i-channel'] - 1
        #         q_ch = radar['q-channel'] - 1
        #         radar_samples[i_ch] = doppler_samples[idx][0]
        #         radar_samples[q_ch] = doppler_samples[idx][1]
        # else:
        #     for rad_idx in range(len(self.array)):
        #         ch_idx = rad_idx * 2
        #         radar_samples[ch_idx:ch_idx + 2, :] = doppler_samples[rad_idx]
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        # plt.subplot(211)
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        # complex_data = radar_samples[0] + radar_samples[1] * 1.0j
        # fft_velocity = self.compute_cfft_velocity(complex_data, fft_window=2048, overlap=0)
        # plt.plot(fft_velocity, label='fft_velocity')
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        # plt.ylabel('frequency')
        # plt.subplot(212)
        # complex_data = radar_samples[2] + radar_samples[3] * 1.0j
        # fft_velocity = self.compute_cfft_velocity(complex_data, fft_window=2048, overlap=0)
        # plt.plot(fft_velocity, label='fft_velocity')
        # plt.ylabel('frequency')
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        # Add sample chunks to SynthDAQ buffer
        for sample_chunk_idx in range(num_sample_chunks):
            # Get sample chunk slice
            start_idx = sample_chunk_idx * self.sample_chunk_size
            end_idx = start_idx + self.sample_chunk_size
            array_chunk = radar_samples[..., start_idx:end_idx]

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    def parallel_waveform_gen(self, idx, trajectory_sample, radar):
        print('Entered parallel_waveform_gen...')
        # Loop over all 3x3 StateMatrix's in the sample chunk
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        # Get constants for conversion
        c = spc.speed_of_light

        waveform = radar['waveform']
        antenna = radar['antenna']

        # Gather waveform parameters
        f0 = waveform['fc']
        prf = waveform['prf']
        pw = waveform['pw']
        bw = waveform['bw']
        type = waveform['type']

        # Gather antenna parameters
        antenna_cos_exp = antenna['cosine_exponent']

        sample = StateMatrix(trajectory_sample,
        # TODO: this ^ should really be the position at t-tau, not t.

        # Get sample at radar location
        sample_rad = sample.get_state(coordinate_type='spherical',

        # Compute phase/amplitude of the signal
        rho = sample_rad[0, 0]
        theta = sample_rad[2, 0]
        # Time delay of signal
        tau = 2 * (rho / c)
        sample_interval = self.sample_interval
        time = sample_interval * idx

        def T(t, pw):
            """Compute the rollover of the LFM chirp."""
            return t % pw

        # If the transmitter was on @ current_time - propagation_time
        if (time - tau) % (1.0 / prf) < pw:
            if type == 'lfm':
                phase_d = 2 * np.pi * f0 * tau
                phase_lfm = -np.pi * (bw / pw) * \
                    (T(time, pw)**2 - T(time - tau, pw)**2)
                complex_signal = np.exp(1.0j * phase_d + 1.0j * phase_lfm)
                # print('s({})={}'.format(time, complex_signal))
                output_i = complex_signal.real
                output_q = complex_signal.imag
            elif type == 'fmcw':
                pwc = pw / 2
                # Up-chrip
                if time - tau % pw < pwc:
                    phase = np.pi * (bw / pwc) * (time**2 + (time - tau)**2)
                # Down-chirp
                    phase = -np.pi * (bw / pwc)\
                        * (2 * pw * (time - tau) + (time - tau)**2 - 2 * tau * time
                           + time**2)
                output_i = np.cos(phase)
                output_q = np.sin(phase)
                phase = 2 * np.pi * f0 * (time - tau)
                output_i = np.cos(phase)\
                    # + np.random.normal(0, 1.0)
                output_q = np.sin(phase)\
                    # + np.random.normal(0, 1.0)

            iq_sample = np.array((output_i, output_q))\
                * np.cos(theta)**antenna_cos_exp\
                # * theta**(1/5)
            iq_sample = np.array((0, 0))

        return iq_sample

    def splat_parallel_waveform_gen(self, args):
        """Splats args into function f."""
        return self.parallel_waveform_gen(*args)
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    def generate_carrier_waveform(self, rx, trajectory_sample):
        """Create new carrier waveform samples.
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            radar (dictionary): Dictionary object describing radar
                location, waveform, and antenna parameters, etc. based on YAML.

            trajectory_sample (numpy.ndarray(3, 3, sample_chunk_size)): Sample
                of trajectory data the length of one DAQ sample.
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            numpy.ndarray(num_channels, sample_chunk_size): Array of sampled
                data. num_channels may be 1 or 2 depending on if radar is
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        # Allocate space for samples
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        doppler_sample_chunk = np.empty((trajectory_sample.shape[-1], 2))
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        # Get constants for conversion
        c = spc.speed_of_light
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        # Iterate over all transmitter receiver pairs
        rx_cos_exp = self.hpbw_to_cos(rx['antenna']['hpbw'])
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        for tx in self.array['transmitters']:
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            waveform = tx['waveform']
            tx_hpbw = tx['antenna']['hpbw']
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            # Gather waveform parameters
            f0 = waveform['f0']
            prf = waveform['prf']
            bw = waveform['bw']
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            # If no PW specified, set to 1/PRF – continuous-wave
            if 'pw' in waveform.keys():
                pw = waveform['pw']
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                pw = 1/prf
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            waveform_type = waveform['type']
            sample_interval = self.sample_interval

            # Gather antenna parameters
            tx_cos_exp = self.hpbw_to_cos(tx['antenna']['hpbw'])

            # Loop over all 3x3 StateMatrix's in the sample chunk
            for idx in range(trajectory_sample.shape[-1]):

                # Print percent-competion message
                if idx % 10000 == 0:
                    percent_complete = idx / trajectory_sample.shape[-1] * 100
                    logging.debug("radar_samples (%-completion): {:6.2f}".

                sample = StateMatrix(trajectory_sample[..., idx],
                # TODO: this ^ should really be the position at t-tau, not t.

                # Get sample at radar location
                rx_rad = sample.get_state(coordinate_type='spherical',
                tx_rad = sample.get_state(coordinate_type='spherical',

                # Compute phase/amplitude of the signal
                rx_rho = rx_rad[0, 0]
                rx_theta = rx_rad[2, 0]
                tx_rho = tx_rad[0, 0]
                tx_theta = tx_rad[2, 0]

                # Time delay of signal
                tau = (rx_rho + tx_rho) / spc.c
                time = sample_interval * idx

                def T(t, pw):
                    """Compute the rollover of periodic FM/PM signals."""
                    return np.mod(t, pw)

                # If the transmitter was on @ current_time - propagation_time
                # Handles pulsed Doppler
                if (time - tau) % (1.0 / prf) < pw:

                    # Calculate carrier phases
                    carrier_tx_phase = 2.0 * np.pi * f0 * time
                    carrier_rx_phase = 2.0 * np.pi * f0 * (time - tau)

                    # TODO convert phase for lfm and fmcw to functions
                    if waveform_type == 'lfm':
                        lfm_tx_phase = np.pi * (bw / pw) * T(time,pw)**2
                        lfm_rx_phase = np.pi * (bw / pw) * T(time - tau,pw)**2

                        total_tx_phase = carrier_tx_phase + lfm_tx_phase
                        total_rx_phase = carrier_rx_phase + lfm_rx_phase
                    elif waveform_type == 'fmcw':
                        # Alternate up and down chirp every pw seconds
                        # Compute transmitted chrip
                        if (time // pw) % 2 == 0:
                            # up-chirp
                            lfm_tx_phase = np.pi * (bw / pw) * T(time,pw)**2
                            # down-chirp
                            lfm_tx_phase = np.pi * (bw / pw) * (2 * pw * T(time,pw) - T(time,pw)**2)

                        # Compute received chrip
                        td = (time - tau)
                        if (td // pw) % 2 == 0:
                            # up-chirp
                            lfm_rx_phase = np.pi * (bw / pw) * T(td,pw)**2
                            # down-chirp
                            lfm_rx_phase = np.pi * (bw / pw) * (2 * pw * T(td,pw) - T(td,pw)**2)

                        total_tx_phase = carrier_tx_phase + lfm_tx_phase
                        total_rx_phase = carrier_rx_phase + lfm_rx_phase
                    elif waveform_type == 'cw':
                        total_tx_phase = carrier_tx_phase
                        total_rx_phase = carrier_rx_phase
                        raise TypeError('Wavform type not supported')

                    carrier_tx = np.exp(1.0j * total_tx_phase)
                    carrier_rx = np.exp(1.0j * total_rx_phase)

                    # TODO: Add fading effect
                    complex_if = carrier_rx * np.conjugate(carrier_tx)

                    output_i = complex_if.real
                    output_q = complex_if.imag

                    # Apply cosine beam approximation
                    iq_sample = np.array((output_i, output_q)) \
                                * np.cos(rx_theta)**rx_cos_exp \
                                * np.cos(tx_theta)**tx_cos_exp
                    iq_sample = np.array((0, 0))

                doppler_sample_chunk[idx, :] = iq_sample
        return doppler_sample_chunk.transpose()
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    def get_samples(self):
        Control generation of DAQ data.

        Required function called by sample_loop method of pyratk.daq.DAQ base
        class to copy data into the buffers.
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        # TODO: Remove real-time availability
        #       use VirtualDAQ for playback
        # TODO: Update base class to _get_samples(self)

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        # self._generate_new_sample(self.sample_num)
        # self.buffer.append((, self.sample_num))
        # self.ts_buffer.append(
        # self.sample_num += 1
        # # Set the update event to True once data is read in
        # self.data_available.set()
        # # If running in "real-time," add delay to thread
        # if not self.time_warp:
        #     sample_chunk_period = self.sample_chunk_size / self.sample_rate
        #     time.sleep(sample_chunk_period)

    def reset(self):
        self.buffer = []
        self.sample_num = 0
        self.reset_flag = True
        self.coordinate_type = None
        self.waypoints = []
        self.trajectory_samples = np.zeros((3, 3, 0))
        self.radar_samples = []

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    def compute_cfft_velocity(self, complex_data, overlap=0, fft_window=2048,
                              fft_size=2**18, f0=24.15e9):
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        # Get constants for conversion
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        # c = spc.speed_of_light
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        velocity_list = []

        for idx in range(complex_data.shape[-1] // fft_window):
            start_idx = idx * fft_window - overlap
            if start_idx < 0:
                start_idx = 0
            end_idx = start_idx + fft_window
            complex_data_window = complex_data[start_idx:end_idx]

            fft_complex = np.fft.fft(complex_data_window, fft_size)
            fft_complex = np.fft.fftshift(fft_complex)

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            fft_mag = np.linalg.norm([fft_complex.real, fft_complex.imag],
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            bin_size = self.sample_rate / fft_mag.shape[0]
            bin = np.argmax(fft_mag).astype(np.int32)
            freq_fft = (bin - fft_mag.shape[0] / 2) * bin_size

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            # wavelength = c / f0
            # fft_velocity = freq_fft * wavelength / 2
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            # velocity_list.append(fft_velocity)
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        return velocity_list
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    def hpbw_to_cos(self, hpbw):
        return np.log10(0.5) / np.log10(np.cos(hpbw / 2.0))