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Commit 7e3c458d authored by Ruchi's avatar Ruchi Committed by GitHub
Browse files

cleanup workflow (#13)

* cleanup wdl v1
parent 644b6a34
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......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ RUN /bin/bash -c "source ~/.firecloud-tools/venv/bin/activate"
RUN pip install --upgrade pip
RUN pip install PyYAML google-auth-httplib2 google-api-python-client gcs-oauth2-boto-plugin \
RUN pip install PyYAML google-cloud google-auth-httplib2 google-api-python-client gcs-oauth2-boto-plugin \
retrying firecloud xlrd google-cloud-bigquery google-cloud-logging pandas
# Tell gcloud to save state in /.config so it's easy to override as a mounted volume.
## Delete unused workflows for submissions in a workspace
This workflow can be run from a FireCloud workspace, or locally, to delete workflows that aren't used by the data model (entity attributes) or workspace attributes.
### Inputs:
`String workspaceProject` - Workspace namespace
`String workspaceName` - Workspace name
`File svcActKeyJson` - Service account credentials JSON that needs to be registered to the workspace project. Docs on how to do that can be found [here](#
`Array[String] submissionIds` - Submission IDs to be cleaned up. Optionally, this value can be set to an empty array `[]` if all submission in a workspace should be cleaned up.
`Boolean dryRun` - When this value is set to false, files from the given submissions will be evaluated and deleted. When this value is set to true, the workflow simply lists the files that are candidates for cleanup.
workflow cleanup {
File svcActKeyJson
String workspaceProject
String workspaceName
# Option 1: Provide an empty array to signal cleanup inside the entire workspace project.
# Option 2: Provide submissionIds targetted for cleanup as a non-empty array.
Array[String] submissionIds
Boolean useSubmissionIds = length(submissionIds) != 0
Boolean dryRun
if (!useSubmissionIds) {
call getSubmissionsInWorkspace {input: svcActKeyJson=svcActKeyJson,
# If the output from task `getSubmissionsInWorkspace` is available, use that list of submissionIds for cleanup.
# Else, assume that the user has provided a non-empty array of submissionIds for cleanup.
Array[String] submissionIdsToClean = select_first([getSubmissionsInWorkspace.submissionIds, submissionIds])
if (length(submissionIdsToClean) != 0) {
call getFilesOfSubmissions { input: svcActKeyJson=svcActKeyJson,
if (!dryRun) {
scatter (fofn in getFilesOfSubmissions.filesToDelete ) {
call httpBatchDelete { input: fofn=fofn,
output {
Array[File] filesToDelete = getFilesOfSubmissions.filesToDelete
task getSubmissionsInWorkspace {
File svcActKeyJson
String workspaceProject
String workspaceName
command {
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=${svcActKeyJson}
python <<CODE
# make use of the common library
from common import *
credentials = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default()
print "Using Google client id:", credentials.client_id
submissions_request = firecloud_api.list_submissions('${workspaceProject}', '${workspaceName}')
if submissions_request.status_code != 200:
fail("Unable to list submissions for %s/%s at %s" (workspaceProject, workspaceName, get_fc_url()))
submissions_json = submissions_request.json()
terminal_submission_ids = map(lambda s: s["submissionId"], filter(lambda s: s["status"] in ["Aborted", "Done"], submissions_json))
with open('submissions_to_clean.txt', 'w') as out_file:
output {
Array[String] submissionIds = read_lines("submissions_to_clean.txt")
runtime {
docker: "broadinstitute/firecloud-tools"
memory: 1
disks: "local-disk 1 HDD"
task getFilesOfSubmissions {
File svcActKeyJson
String workspaceProject
String workspaceName
Array[String] submissionIds
command {
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=${svcActKeyJson}
python <<CODE
# setup so we can import from the /scripts directory from the firecloud-tools repo so we can
# make use of the common library
from common import *
workspaceProject = "${workspaceProject}"
workspaceName = "${workspaceName}"
credentials = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default()
print "Using Google client id:", credentials.client_id
workspace_request = firecloud_api.get_workspace(workspaceProject, workspaceName)
if workspace_request.status_code != 200:
fail("Unable to find workspace: %s/%s at %s --- %s" % (workspaceProject, workspaceName, get_fc_url(), workspace_request.text))
workspace = workspace_request.json()
workspace_attributes = workspace["workspace"]["attributes"]
bucketName = workspace["workspace"]["bucketName"]
with open('bucket_name.txt', 'w') as out_file:
entity_types_json = firecloud_api.list_entity_types(workspaceProject, workspaceName).json()
entities_json = []
for entity_type in entity_types_json:
entities_json.extend(firecloud_api.get_entities(workspaceProject, workspaceName, entity_type).json())
submissionIds = ['${sep="','" submissionIds}']
with open("files_to_delete.txt", "w") as filesToDelete:
workflows_to_keep = []
for submissionId in submissionIds:
submission_json = firecloud_api.get_submission(workspaceProject, workspaceName, submissionId).json()
workflows_json = submission_json["workflows"]
workflows_with_id = [workflow_json["workflowId"] for workflow_json in workflows_json if "workflowId" in workflow_json]
for workflow_id in workflows_with_id:
# look at workspace attributes to see if any output from a workflow in this submission is bound there
for key, attribute in workspace_attributes.iteritems():
if workflow_id in str(attribute):
print "keeping workflow (%s) - output used in workspace attribute: %s -> %s" %(workflow_id, key, attribute)
# look at entity attributes to see if any output from a workflow in this submission is bound there
for entity_json in entities_json:
entity_name = entity_json["name"]
for key, attribute_value in entity_json["attributes"].iteritems():
if re.match(r"gs://%s/.*" % bucketName, str(attribute_value)):
if workflow_id not in workflows_to_keep and workflow_id in attribute_value:
print "keeping workflow (%s) - output used in entity attribute: %s -> %s" %(workflow_id, key, attribute_value)
for workflow_id in workflows_with_id:
if workflow_id not in workflows_to_keep:
print "workflow %s will be cleaned up" % workflow_id
service ='storage', 'v1')
fields_to_return = 'nextPageToken,items(name,size)' # ,contentType,metadata(my-key))'
req = service.objects().list(bucket=bucketName, prefix=submissionId, fields=fields_to_return)
def ignored_files(call_alias, index):
ignored_file_extensions = [".log", "-rc.txt", "-stderr.log", "-stdout.log"]
if not index:
file_names = map(lambda x: call_alias+x, ignored_file_extensions)
file_names = map(lambda x: call_alias+"-"+index+x, ignored_file_extensions)
return [""] + file_names
total = 0
while req:
resp = req.execute()
items = resp.get('items', [])
for item in items:
object_name = item["name"]
# Needed for workflow logs. gs://fc-<workspace-id>/<submission-id>/workflow.logs/workflow.<workflow-id>.log
workflow_id = object_name.split("/")[2].replace("workflow.", "").replace(".log", "")
file_name = re.findall(r"[^/]*$", object_name)[0]
call_directory = re.findall('call-(.*?)/', object_name)
shard = re.findall('shard-(.*?)/', object_name)
file_to_ignore = False
if call_directory:
call_alias = call_directory[0]
shard_index = shard[0] if shard else None
file_to_ignore = file_name in ignored_files(call_alias, shard_index)
elif "workflow.logs" in object_name:
file_to_ignore = True
workflow_to_keep = workflow_id in workflows_to_keep
if not workflow_to_keep and not file_to_ignore:
full_path = "gs://%s/%s" % (bucketName, object_name)
filesToDelete.write(full_path + '\n')
print full_path
req = service.objects().list_next(req, resp)
print "total number of files to be cleaned up:", total
# In order to better parallelize the deletion, split the files marked for deletion into fofns containing 100K files each.
split -l 100000 files_to_delete.txt del-
runtime {
docker: "broadinstitute/firecloud-tools"
memory: 1
disks: "local-disk 1 HDD"
output {
String bucketName = read_string("bucket_name.txt")
Array[File] filesToDelete = glob("del-*")
task httpBatchDelete {
File fofn
String bucketName
File svcActKeyJson
command {
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=${svcActKeyJson}
python <<CODE
import json
from apiclient.discovery import build
from apiclient.http import BatchHttpRequest
service = build('storage', 'v1')
collection = service.objects()
with open('${fofn}', 'rU') as in_file:
list_blobs =
list_objects = map(lambda x: x.replace('gs://${bucketName}/',''), list_blobs)
chunks=[list_objects[i:i + n] for i in xrange(0, len(list_objects), n)]
# TODO: Needs better error handling for 502 Gateway Errors
for object_names in chunks:
batch_delete_requests = service.new_batch_http_request()
for name in object_names:
batch_delete_requests.add(collection.delete(bucket="${bucketName}", object=name))
runtime {
docker: "broadinstitute/firecloud-tools"
disks: "local-disk 1 HDD"
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