## Delete unused workflows for submissions in a workspace
This workflow can be run from a FireCloud workspace, or locally, to delete workflows that aren't used by the data model (entity attributes) or workspace attributes.
### Inputs:
`String workspaceProject` - Workspace namespace
`String workspaceName` - Workspace name
`File svcActKeyJson` - Service account credentials JSON that needs to be registered to the workspace project. Docs on how to do that can be found [here](#https://github.com/broadinstitute/firecloud-tools/tree/master/scripts/register_service_account).
`Array[String] submissionIds` - Submission IDs to be cleaned up. Optionally, this value can be set to an empty array `[]` if all submission in a workspace should be cleaned up.
`Boolean dryRun` - When this value is set to false, files from the given submissions will be evaluated and deleted. When this value is set to true, the workflow simply lists the files that are candidates for cleanup.