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Commit f8457aba authored by Brandon McIntyre's avatar Brandon McIntyre Committed by Colbry, Dirk
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Updated to correct install instructions

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# Auto-sklearn AutoML Installation instructions
***Note, below was an installation written for another package Brandon wrote
for another project. This will be updated to reflect Auto-Sklearn at a later time.
Currently, we are still working on getting our whole team to have the ability to
download this package. Once directions are solidified this will be updated.
For the mean time, below will have a pretty similar set up. To avoid a failed
installation on Windows Machienes we are using the HPCC. We will have our own
seperate enviroment.yaml file to ensure that this does not effect future Windows
users of main directory.***
[`PyTorch`]( is a popular software/package for
tensor computation and construction of Neural Networks. It is a pacakge for python,
as well as C++. The software is also
[open source]( and has a rich community
that has a plethora of tutorials on how to use many of the features. One of
`PyTorch`'s strengths is that it can utilize GPUs to perform calculations.
This allows for significant speed up in training and computation. One thing
that is interesting is the code is "not a Python binding into a monolithic
C++ framework. It is built to be deeply integrated into Python." `PyTorch`
also has many libraries such as [`torchaudio`](
for audio, [`torchtext`]( for text,
[`torchvision`]( for computer vision,
[`TorchElastic`]( for running on
changing environments, [`TorchServe`]( for serving
`PyTorch` models. This package is great for projects that require large amounts
of computation through neural networks, such as neural networks that take in images.
# Auto-sklearn AutoML Installation instructions
Due to the nature of Auto-SKlearn, the package is not currently supported on Windows Machienes.
It is 2/18/2022, so it could be possible this has changed if you are viewing this in the future.
This being said, an installation guide for how to get this running on the HPCC is
included. If you are running macOS, you can possible just create the enviroment from
the `auto_sklearn_env.yaml` file in this folder. For Windows machienes, you recommened to run
this on the HPCC. If you have anaconda running on \*uniux on your machiene, you can use
that instead and just create the enviroment from the yaml file.
Run the following in your terminal
conda env create --prefix ./envs --file auto_sklearn_env.yml
conda activate ./auto_sklearn_env
jupyter notebook
In order to run this example easily, it is suggested that Anaconda 3 with python
version 3.6 or higer is used. With using Anaconda, since many python pacakges
are already installed and conda is pre-installed, the setup will be less intensive.
is used. With using Anaconda, since many python pacakges are already installed
and conda is pre-installed, the setup will be less intensive.
If you already have Anaconda 3 with python version 3.6 or higher, you can skip
If you already have Anaconda 3 with python, you can skip
to Virtual Enviroment Setup.
Below are instructions on how to install Anaconda 3 with python version 3.8 on
Below are instructions on how to install Anaconda 3 with python version 3.9 on
the HPCC. We will also set up a new virtual enviroment with the packages we
will need to install to get our example working. Please note this would probably
work best if you can keep this open and also have access to a terminal
in another window.
### INSTALL Anaconda 3 w/ Python 3.8:
### INSTALL Anaconda 3 w/ Python 3.9 on HPCC:
The following was created on 3/22/2021. It is possbile at the time you are reading
this the Anaconda version has updated. If this is the case, visit Anconda's website
and use the link to the newest Anconda version in place of the link below. Also
make sure to change the bash command to run the appropiate script.
The following was created on 2/18/2022. It is possbile at the time you are reading
this the Anaconda version has updated. If this is the case, visit [Anconda's website](,Anaconda%20Installers,-Windows)
and use the link to the newest Anconda version in place of the link below. Note you
can find the download link by going to the Anaconda Website. Finding where you can
download Anaconda. You will see there is a linux option something like
"64-Bit (x86) Installer (XXX MB)". Right click on this and copy the link it directs
you to (do not actually follow the link). This will be the link you change in the `curl` command below. Also
make sure to change the `bash` command to run the appropiate script. You can easily
see what this by looking at the end of the link. In this case it is
You will need access to the HPCC. If this is Spring 2022, you will have access to the
HPCC if you apart of CMSE 495. If this is not Spring 2022, check with your Instructor
to see if you have access to the HPCC.
To access HPCC visit [this site]( and click on the link to OnDemand.
Once logged in, find the tab on top that says something like "Devleopment Node".
Click on this tab, and select any development node. You now will have access to a shell
and can run the following commands.
1. In your home directory (~), or wherever you would like,
you will want to download the installation script from Anaconda's website.
This can easily be done with this command.
curl -O
curl -O
2. Next we need to run the installation script. To do this makes sure you are
in the same directory as the file we just downloaded. Then run the following.
3. The installation process will ask you a few things
......@@ -76,21 +84,22 @@ assumes this is installed in the home directory. You may neeed to modify
directions later based on where you save anaconda3.
7. Once finished installing, it will ask if you would like the installer to
initalize Anaconda3. For using this as a module, you are going to want
to say "No". However, if you want Anaconda3 always avalible to you anytime,
you can say "yes" to this.
8. You can now delete or move the `` file to
wherever you would like.
initalize Anaconda3. In order to allow for the most future flexibility.
You will type "No". (You can say "yes", however, when you need to run different
versions of anaconda. You will need to comment out the "conda initalize" commands that are
placed in your `~/.bashrc`)
9. Now you can load in Anaconda 3 with the following command.
8. Now we will need to activate our Anaconda with running
module load Anaconda/3
10. You can test that the installation worked properly if the follwing command
returns `conda 4.9.2` or something equivalent.
9. You can now delete or move the `` file to
wherever you would like.
10. You can test that the installation worked properly if the following command
returns `conda 4.10.3` or something equivalent.
conda --version
......@@ -98,131 +107,79 @@ conda --version
### Virtual Enviroment Setup:
From the last section, make sure you Anaconda 3 is active. If you followed the
process above this was done with
From the last section, make sure you Anaconda 3 is active (Make sure you have ran `module load Anaconda/3` prior)
module load Anaconda/3
conda --version
If a version number was given you are good to go.
There are two routes to go from here. Either you can load the enviroment included
or you can create a new enviroment
We will now create the enviroment, and set ourselves up to launch a Jupyter Notebook.
**Load the Enviroment from yml**
**Load the Enviroment from the yml file**
Loading the enviroment allows you to use the same exact enviroment I used to
Loading the enviroment yaml file allows you to use the same exact enviroment we used to
run the code
1. In the terminal navigate to the same folder this is in
2. You can create the enviroment from the `pytorch_classifier.yml` file with
2. You can create the enviroment from the `auto_sklearn_env.yml` file with
conda env create -f pytorch_classifier.yml
conda env create -f auto_sklearn_env.yml
3. To activate the enviroment we can use
conda activate pytorch_classifier
**Launching Jupyter Notebook with auto_sklearn_env**
**Create new Enviroment**
We can start a "Jupyter Notebook Interactive App" on OnDemand to access our
Jupyter Notebook and using settings we can tell it to use the appropiate enviroment.
Setting up a new virtual enviroment will help keep your base Anaconda enviroment
clean so that way you can have seperate enviroment where we can install our
packages and not have to worry about them conflicting in the future with other
1. Open up Ondemand and find the "Interactive Apps" tab and click on "Jupyter Notebook"
1. In the terminal navigate to the same folder this is in
There is a list of setting to change, here is what we put, but you can change hours/cores/memory/advanced
setings as needed.
2. Now we can create our new enviroment with this command.
conda create -n pytorch_classifier pytorch torchvision requests cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
* Number of hours: 2
* Number of cores per task: 1
* Amount of memory: 5gb
* CHECK: Launch Jupyter Notebook using the Anaconda installation in my home directory
* Anaconda Path: anaconda3
* Conda Environment: auto_sklearn_env
3. We are now able to activate our enviroment with
conda activate pytorch_classifier
2. Now click launch. Wait for the the job to make it through the "Quded". Then it should say
"Starting". It should take less than 3 min to start. If you are waiting anylonger please make
sure you followed the above steps exactly. If successful, it should now say "Running". There
will be a Blue button that says "Connect to Jupyter". Click that and you will have successfully
launched Jupyter Notebooks with our enviroment that has Auto-sklearn pre-installed!
3. Navigate to this repository and run our examples.
Note that when you are done and want to get out of this enviroment you can use
In the future you would like to delete the enviroment you can use
conda deactivate
conda env remove -n auto_sklearn_env
Also if in the future you would like to delete the enviroment you can use
conda env remove -n pytorch_classifier
Also if you are interest in using Jupyter Notebooks Interactive App on OnDemand in
general and want to use the "base" anaconda. You can change "Conda Environment"
in the settings to be "base".
## Module Setup
In order to take full advantage of this example, it is suggested to use a
In order to take full advantage of GPU with Auto-SKlean, it is suggested to use a
developer node with GPU access (`dev-intel16-k80`,
`dev-amd20-v100` ---- Note that `dev-intel14-k20` does not work with this
`dev-amd20-v100` ---- Note that `dev-intel14-k20` most likely not work with this
example). This can be set with the Jupyter Notebook Interactive App setting in the
Advanced Options. Set "Node Type" to `intel16` or `intel14` and change
"Number of GPUs" to 1 or more.
If Anaconda 3 is installed with the appropiate package and enviroment from above.
We can load Anaconda 3 with `pytorch_classifier` enviroment as
module load Anaconda/3
conda activate pytorch_classifier
(Optional if GPU does not work, with just the settings above)
We need to load the appropiate modules for use of CUDA. In your `~/.bashrc`
add the following commands to the end of the file.
Next, we need to load the appropiate modules for use of CUDA
module load GCC/8.3.0
module load CUDA/10.2.89
## Running the Code
The code comes from [this tutorial](
I simply just combined it into one script and implemented GPU usage.
To run the code is simple. I have included a makefile to streamline the process.
In order to start the program simply run
This should autodetect if you are on a node with GPU and run the appropiate
version of the code.
The code will train a deep neural network with 10000 images.
The network will then be tested with 10000 images.
The results of the classification are then printed at the end.
The program will produce the following:
* `/data` -- folder containing data for training and testing model
* `training.png` -- Sample grid of training images
* `testing.png` -- Sample grid of testing images
* `cifar_net.pth` -- Trained Neural Network
These files can easily be deleted with this command
make clean
If you would like to run this as a HPCC job, you can use the command
This concludes this README, below is references
# References
Conda Enviroments:
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