In order to run this example easily, it is suggested that Anaconda 3 with python
version 3.6 or higer is used. With using Anaconda, since many python pacakges
are already installed and conda is pre-installed, the setup will be less intensive.
is used. With using Anaconda, since many python pacakges are already installed
and conda is pre-installed, the setup will be less intensive.
If you already have Anaconda 3 with python version 3.6 or higher, you can skip
If you already have Anaconda 3 with python, you can skip
to Virtual Enviroment Setup.
Below are instructions on how to install Anaconda 3 with python version 3.8 on
Below are instructions on how to install Anaconda 3 with python version 3.9 on
the HPCC. We will also set up a new virtual enviroment with the packages we
will need to install to get our example working. Please note this would probably
work best if you can keep this open and also have access to a terminal
in another window.
### INSTALL Anaconda 3 w/ Python 3.8:
### INSTALL Anaconda 3 w/ Python 3.9 on HPCC:
The following was created on 3/22/2021. It is possbile at the time you are reading
this the Anaconda version has updated. If this is the case, visit Anconda's website
and use the link to the newest Anconda version in place of the link below. Also
make sure to change the bash command to run the appropiate script.
The following was created on 2/18/2022. It is possbile at the time you are reading
this the Anaconda version has updated. If this is the case, visit [Anconda's website](,Anaconda%20Installers,-Windows)
and use the link to the newest Anconda version in place of the link below. Note you
can find the download link by going to the Anaconda Website. Finding where you can
download Anaconda. You will see there is a linux option something like
"64-Bit (x86) Installer (XXX MB)". Right click on this and copy the link it directs
you to (do not actually follow the link). This will be the link you change in the `curl` command below. Also
make sure to change the `bash` command to run the appropiate script. You can easily
see what this by looking at the end of the link. In this case it is
You will need access to the HPCC. If this is Spring 2022, you will have access to the
HPCC if you apart of CMSE 495. If this is not Spring 2022, check with your Instructor
to see if you have access to the HPCC.
To access HPCC visit [this site]( and click on the link to OnDemand.
Once logged in, find the tab on top that says something like "Devleopment Node".
Click on this tab, and select any development node. You now will have access to a shell
and can run the following commands.
1. In your home directory (~), or wherever you would like,
you will want to download the installation script from Anaconda's website.