- Apr 21, 2011
Adrian Lang authored
- Apr 14, 2011
Adrian Lang authored
- Apr 09, 2011
Adrian Lang authored
- Apr 07, 2011
Izidor Matušov authored
Izidor Matušov authored
Izidor Matušov authored
- Apr 01, 2011
Christopher Smith authored
Note, any filenames encoded with the previous SafeFN scheme will need to be converted to the new scheme. Users of the old SafeFN scheme should not use this new scheme until after converting their filenames.
- Feb 09, 2011
Michael Hamann authored
All linebreaks before p_close have been removed.
- Feb 06, 2011
Adrian Lang authored
Andreas Gohr authored
Andreas Gohr authored
Michael Hamann authored
Andreas Gohr authored
Andreas Gohr authored
- Jan 23, 2011
Andreas Gohr authored
Andreas Gohr authored
- Jan 22, 2011
Andreas Gohr authored
this splits the long auth_cryptPassword() function into many member functions of a new class PassHash which should make it more maintainable and reusable for other projects. This also adds two new methods djangomd5 and djangosha1 as used by the popular python framework Django. Maybe the auth_cryptPassword() and auth_verifyPassword() functions should be deprecated in favor of using the class directly?
- Jan 16, 2011
Michael Hamann authored
- Jan 15, 2011
Andreas Gohr authored
Andreas Gohr authored
- Jan 09, 2011
Michael Hamann authored
- Jan 03, 2011
Anika Henke authored
- Dec 21, 2010
Adrian Lang authored
- Dec 08, 2010
Andreas Gohr authored
This function abstracts checking a given user and her groups against a given member list (as used in the superuser and manager options). It is also used in auth_isManager() and auth_isAdmin(), unlike the previous function, this one skips the nameencode step as it should be unnessary here (all input is given decoded). The test cases where extended by some non-ID user and group names. People with non-plain auth backends should check that their administrator and manager setups still work as expected
- Nov 29, 2010
Michael Hamann authored
As of VIM 7.3 it is no longer possible to specify the encoding in the modeline. This gives an error message whenever such a file is opened, thus this commit removes the enc setting from the modeline.
- Oct 26, 2010
Adrian Lang authored
SafeFN encoding now always end the encoding block by appending a dot at the end of the file name. This is necessary since the file name may get an extension which is not encoded.
- Oct 11, 2010
Adrian Lang authored
- Oct 03, 2010
Andreas Gohr authored
Andreas Gohr authored
- Sep 23, 2010
Guy Brand authored
- Sep 20, 2010
Adrian Lang authored
Neither I nor Andi has any idea what this file is for and why it explicitly //grants// permission and why its documentation is wrong.
- Aug 31, 2010
Adrian Lang authored
Adrian Lang authored
- Jul 01, 2010
Andreas Gohr authored
includes unit tests. Extensions welcome.
- Jun 09, 2010
Andreas Gohr authored
Since the specs aren't 100% clear, dates might be passed in different formats by various XMLRPC clients. This patch makes date parsing a bit more flexible. Unit tests included.
- Apr 04, 2010
Christopher Smith authored
- Mar 30, 2010
Michael Klier authored
This patch adds support to include plugin tests in the DokuWiki testsuite. Plugin tests are located in a dedicated directory _test/within a plugin directory. The naming convention of the test files follows the one used in DokuWikis testsuite. <plugin>/_test/*.test.php -> single test <plugin>/_test/*.group.php -> group test The plugin tests are accessible via the web interface of the test suite and via the cli interface. It is recommend to bundle plugin test in a plugin group test. The webinterface also allows to run all plugin tests at once. Test files must include: <dokuwiki>/_test/lib/unittest.php Example Test: require_once(DOKU_INC.'_test/lib/unittest.php'); class plugin_test extends Doku_UnitTestCase { function test() { $this->assertEqual(1,1); } } Example Group Test: require_once(DOKU_INC.'_test/lib/unittest.php'); class plugin_group_test extends Doku_GroupTest { function group_test() { $dir = dirname(__FILE__).'/'; $this->GroupTest('plugin_grouptest'); $this->addTestFile($dir . 'plugin.test1.php'); $this->addTestFile($dir . 'plugin.test2.php'); $this->addTestFile($dir . 'plugin.test3.php'); } } At the moment unittest.php contains only two meta classes so plugins tests don't have to inherit from the simpletest classes. This patch should be treated as intermediate step to allow for plugin tests. The testsuite wasn't designed to include plugin tests. It should probably be refactored at a later point.
- Mar 24, 2010
YoBoY authored
Each searches on the wiki use this function. Scanning the index directory eachtime is time consuming with a constant series of disk access. Switching a normal search to use file_exists 1 or more times, and not readdir all the directory. Switching a wildcard search to use a lengths.idx file containing all the word lengths used in the wiki, file generated if a new configuration parameter $conf[readdircache] is not 0 and fixed to a time in second. Creation of a new function idx_listIndexLengths to do this part.
- Mar 23, 2010
Adrian Lang authored
- Mar 02, 2010
Michael Hamann authored