- Jun 15, 2005
Jorge Barrera Grandon authored
- Jun 14, 2005
andi authored
andi authored
The spellchecker now tests the browsers UTF-8 compliance and only uses the entitiy encoding if needed. This hopefully fixes problems with Safari. darcs-hash:20050614174004-9977f-9c64abc8c31c47e89ac01784eae81f766bc54af0.gz
- Jun 13, 2005
matthiasgrimm authored
The spellchecker should not check links because this are mostly no real words. This patch installs some filters so that links won't be transfered to the spellchecker. darcs-hash:20050613215834-7ef76-444b4aa6ca9f471ae99c3f6fd3e3b9d380161f8a.gz
matthiasgrimm authored
This patch replaces the big textual spellchecker controls with a nice one using toolbar like buttons darcs-hash:20050613182725-7ef76-34661fe2322682059335dced7ad60dfb31350c30.gz
- Jun 12, 2005
matthiasgrimm authored
The current Aspell version has a bug that causes a corrupt output file. Output lines beginning with '?' weren't terminated with a newline. This patch fixes the broken output format. It is not possible to detect automatically if a Aspell version handles '?'-lines correctly. Therefore DokuWiki checks for Aspells version number and corrects the output format accordingly if version < darcs-hash:20050612154241-7ef76-dfa98470651d6701562ca51908e6f8c8392b28bd.gz
andi authored
andi authored
This patch changes the mysql auth mechanism to support the old method of password checking (leaving it to the DB) as well as the new one. Which one is used is decided on which option is defined: $conf['auth']['mysql']['passcheck'] now behaves as in older releases, You can use %u, %g and %p where %p contains the cleartext password entered by the user. Access is granted if the SQL statement returns one result row. if $conf['auth']['mysql']['getpass'] is defined it is used to fetch the crypted password from the database which is then checked with auth_verifyPassword() - This is the preferred method. Users of the devel need to change their config by renaming passcheck to getpass darcs-hash:20050612111044-9977f-545feafc098082a067fdbbbc7d7d3a61c5903590.gz
- Jun 11, 2005
matthiasgrimm authored
Aspell breaks its own output format due to undocumented features. This patch worked around this error. Problems regarding freezing of the spellchecker or jammed wiki pages through the spellchecker are solved. darcs-hash:20050611144306-7ef76-a2df9998b5a888e9fe121acf0c2530c33c2ef2a2.gz
loug85 authored
andi authored
andi authored
Sometimes Aspell seems to output not enough blank lines to signal a line change. This patch tries to compensate for this by trying the next two lines as well. This patch also fixes a problem were reading from aspell could produce a deadlock on the socket and would cause the spellchecker to never return darcs-hash:20050611121059-9977f-c772aa52ea0e73e7b7e5537afda047fa44a22395.gz
andi authored
Konqeror seems to ignore the charset darcs-hash:20050611092916-9977f-311b99e63b66a83c9f9022c468ba61d0687822c2.gz
- Jun 09, 2005
andi authored
andi authored
andi authored
koeppe authored
andi authored
andi authored
- Jun 08, 2005
andi authored
I just learned that PHP does lock it's session objects. This is realy bad if you have multiple images in a page as each one will call fetch.php which locks the session, so everything can only be loaded sequentially. The fix for this is to close the session after using it which is after doing the auth and the breadcrumbs. I added the needed calls everywhere. darcs-hash:20050608213514-9977f-f2dfc467ebbd06406e10e33a386fa1db6cb32dba.gz
andi authored
andi authored
andi authored
Jack van Klaren authored
matthiasgrimm authored
The editor buttons for the headlines were 1px to high. This patch fixes that. darcs-hash:20050608172429-7ef76-84578d8156de7fa7a4f475cfec060da73532aec3.gz
andi authored
andi authored
The spellchecker now works in IE6, Firefox and Opera 8 :-) SACK was updated to the latest release (plus a minor fix) Proper UTF-8 headers were added to the AJAX PHP backends darcs-hash:20050608182758-9977f-1eacd0ba9993a62f094433d982f668e38d17ba14.gz
- Jun 07, 2005
Kaiko Kaur authored
koeppe authored
matthiasgrimm authored
IE displays the sector edit buttons bigger than designed. This is a known problem of the special Microsoft box model the IE uses. This patch adjusts the buttons height to the desired value but they are still too wide. As I understand certain internet sources right: There is no solution for this. Whatever, let's enjoy what we have. darcs-hash:20050607164818-7ef76-1881a9530b948854e9788db34ca6806f64d2ff65.gz
andi authored
This is nearly a complete rewrite of the gmail like AJAX spellchecker from http://www.broken-notebook.com/spell_checker/index.php Here are the differences and features * seemless integrated into DokuWiki * no need for the pspell extension * needs GNU aspell installed (not sure about the version I guess 0.60+ for UTF8) * needs PHP 4.3.0+ * uses SACK for AJAX * gets errors and suggestions in one transfer So far only tested in Firefox. It should work in IE, Safari and Opera 8, too. Please test and report back. darcs-hash:20050607194456-9977f-f699144d1fd28359742b2ce0f28c839a1f4cefbb.gz
- Jun 06, 2005
matthiasgrimm authored
This patch exchanges the images for the TOC arrow from PNG with alpha channel to GIF with transparent background. This is done because the IE doesn't cope with transparent PNG images very well. Shame on you Microsoft. darcs-hash:20050606163659-7ef76-8a5d482ec2c73b87f4ece0b1226933cbd1ca7d60.gz
matthiasgrimm authored
The height of text entry field look different in height between IE and Firefox. This patch adjusts the CSS files that both look the same. darcs-hash:20050606165106-7ef76-38c3e0f61d0f4ae7bdcebb8acd7a77ee54784868.gz
matthiasgrimm authored
This patch adds a cache control header to fetch.php. Without this header media files can't be opened and viewed with third party programs directly from the IE browser window. For eg. Acrobat Reader will display an error message after clicking on a link to a PDF file. Firefox will work without it. darcs-hash:20050606154420-7ef76-2b46b0eb626488cec122a00cc32f86a28542b161.gz
- Jun 05, 2005
chris authored
This patch will extend the useheading configuration setting to apply to - search page - backlinks page - recent changes page darcs-hash:20050605132931-50fdc-39bc6dfb55968fc68cb646a0f8cf2cbc56d3e12f.gz
matthiasgrimm authored
fetch.php was not fully adapted to the new directory structure - fixed darcs-hash:20050605130154-7ef76-22d557d49733aaa8d992e767ebfed16c92fb3c76.gz
matthiasgrimm authored
The media popup was not fully adapted to the new directory structure - fixed darcs-hash:20050605125410-7ef76-79a24e1bd735cc4b89c1d7ee1f28b1a19b84f841.gz
andi authored
chris authored
matthiasgrimm authored
The last patches confused darcs so we get a mixed up code. This patch corrected the mess hopefully. darcs-hash:20050605085854-7ef76-83d86fd24ce667f7cb506466ef2aef39ccc38cea.gz