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Data collection app for http://icp.entomology.msu.edu.
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Python code for accessing the LexisNexis WSK API. Specifically written to handle researcher request for several hundred militia searches.
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Class to communicate with WOS API (SOAP) and process resultant data.
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Sharable version of the Text Assembler application. Uses the LexisNexis WSK
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Code to scrape journal content from any (so far this seems true) HighWire journal product.
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Quickly spin up Drupal sites from archives generated by drush ard.
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A small but hopefully growing collection of file and object utilities to be included in other projects.
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Process ESTC metadata to find records with relevant subject headings.
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Some code to process MSU Libraries marked-up cookbook XML files.
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BRIC / Epic HL7 integration Archive
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Code for reading and processing HTML via HTTP. Written (so far) in support of project to access Haitian slave announcement texts.
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Some lines of code to process Congressional Record XML files received from ProQuest, and quite limited to that use.
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