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                if ($i) $ret .= "<li class=\"clear\">";
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                $ret .= "\n<ul class=\"$class\">\n";
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        }elseif( $item['level'] < $level ){
            //close last item
            $ret .= "</li>\n";
            while( $level > $item['level'] && $open > 0 ){
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
                //close higher lists
                $ret .= "</ul>\n</li>\n";
        } elseif ($ret !== '') {
            //close previous item
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
            $ret .= "</li>\n";
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Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
        //print item
        $ret .= call_user_func($lifunc,$item);
        $ret .= '<div class="li">';
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
        $ret .= call_user_func($func,$item);
        $ret .= '</div>';
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Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
    //close remaining items and lists
    $ret .= "</li>\n";
    while($open-- > 0) {
        $ret .= "</ul></li>\n";

    if ($forcewrapper || $start_level < 2) {
        // Trigger building a wrapper ul if the first level is
        // 0 (we have a root object) or 1 (just the root content)
        $ret = "\n<ul class=\"$class\">\n".$ret."</ul>\n";
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Andreas Gohr committed
    return $ret;
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andi's avatar
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 * display backlinks
 * @author Andreas Gohr <>
 * @author Michael Klier <>
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function html_backlinks(){
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Andreas Gohr committed
    global $ID;
    global $lang;

    print p_locale_xhtml('backlinks');

    $data = ft_backlinks($ID);

    if(!empty($data)) {
        print '<ul class="idx">';
        foreach($data as $blink){
            print '<li><div class="li">';
            print html_wikilink(':'.$blink,useHeading('navigation')?null:$blink);
            print '</div></li>';
        print '</ul>';
    } else {
        print '<div class="level1"><p>' . $lang['nothingfound'] . '</p></div>';
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 * Get header of diff HTML
 * @param string $l_rev   Left revisions
 * @param string $r_rev   Right revision
 * @param string $id      Page id, if null $ID is used
 * @param bool   $media   If it is for media files
 * @param bool   $inline  Return the header on a single line
 * @return string[] HTML snippets for diff header
function html_diff_head($l_rev, $r_rev, $id = null, $media = false, $inline = false) {
    global $lang;
    if ($id === null) {
        global $ID;
        $id = $ID;
    $head_separator = $inline ? ' ' : '<br />';
    $media_or_wikiFN = $media ? 'mediaFN' : 'wikiFN';
    $ml_or_wl = $media ? 'ml' : 'wl';
    $l_minor = $r_minor = '';

        $changelog = new MediaChangeLog($id);
        $changelog = new PageChangeLog($id);
        $l_head = '&mdash;';
        $l_info   = $changelog->getRevisionInfo($l_rev);
            $l_user = '<bdi>'.editorinfo($l_info['user']).'</bdi>';
            if(auth_ismanager()) $l_user .= ' <bdo dir="ltr">('.$l_info['ip'].')</bdo>';
            $l_user = '<bdo dir="ltr">'.$l_info['ip'].'</bdo>';
        $l_user  = '<span class="user">'.$l_user.'</span>';
        $l_sum   = ($l_info['sum']) ? '<span class="sum"><bdi>'.hsc($l_info['sum']).'</bdi></span>' : '';
        if ($l_info['type']===DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_MINOR_EDIT) $l_minor = 'class="minor"';

        $l_head_title = ($media) ? dformat($l_rev) : $id.' ['.dformat($l_rev).']';
        $l_head = '<bdi><a class="wikilink1" href="'.$ml_or_wl($id,"rev=$l_rev").'">'.
        $head_separator.$l_user.' '.$l_sum;
        $r_info   = $changelog->getRevisionInfo($r_rev);
            $r_user = '<bdi>'.editorinfo($r_info['user']).'</bdi>';
            if(auth_ismanager()) $r_user .= ' <bdo dir="ltr">('.$r_info['ip'].')</bdo>';
            $r_user = '<bdo dir="ltr">'.$r_info['ip'].'</bdo>';
        $r_user = '<span class="user">'.$r_user.'</span>';
        $r_sum  = ($r_info['sum']) ? '<span class="sum"><bdi>'.hsc($r_info['sum']).'</bdi></span>' : '';
        if ($r_info['type']===DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_MINOR_EDIT) $r_minor = 'class="minor"';

        $r_head_title = ($media) ? dformat($r_rev) : $id.' ['.dformat($r_rev).']';
        $r_head = '<bdi><a class="wikilink1" href="'.$ml_or_wl($id,"rev=$r_rev").'">'.
        $head_separator.$r_user.' '.$r_sum;
    }elseif($_rev = @filemtime($media_or_wikiFN($id))){
        $_info   = $changelog->getRevisionInfo($_rev);
            $_user = '<bdi>'.editorinfo($_info['user']).'</bdi>';
            if(auth_ismanager()) $_user .= ' <bdo dir="ltr">('.$_info['ip'].')</bdo>';
            $_user = '<bdo dir="ltr">'.$_info['ip'].'</bdo>';
        $_user = '<span class="user">'.$_user.'</span>';
        $_sum  = ($_info['sum']) ? '<span class="sum"><bdi>'.hsc($_info['sum']).'</span></bdi>' : '';
        if ($_info['type']===DOKU_CHANGE_TYPE_MINOR_EDIT) $r_minor = 'class="minor"';

        $r_head_title = ($media) ? dformat($_rev) : $id.' ['.dformat($_rev).']';
        $r_head  = '<bdi><a class="wikilink1" href="'.$ml_or_wl($id).'">'.
        $r_head_title.'</a></bdi> '.
        $head_separator.$_user.' '.$_sum;
        $r_head = '&mdash; ('.$lang['current'].')';

    return array($l_head, $r_head, $l_minor, $r_minor);

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 * Show diff
 * between current page version and provided $text
 * or between the revisions provided via GET or POST
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 * @author Andreas Gohr <>
 * @param  string $text  when non-empty: compare with this text with most current version
 * @param  bool   $intro display the intro text
 * @param  string $type  type of the diff (inline or sidebyside)
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function html_diff($text = '', $intro = true, $type = null) {
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
    global $ID;
    global $REV;
    global $lang;
    global $INPUT;
    if(!$type) {
        $type = $INPUT->str('difftype');
        if(empty($type)) {
            $type = get_doku_pref('difftype', $type);
            if(empty($type) && $INFO['ismobile']) {
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
    if($type != 'inline') $type = 'sidebyside';

     * Determine requested revision(s)
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Andreas Gohr committed
    // we're trying to be clever here, revisions to compare can be either
    // given as rev and rev2 parameters, with rev2 being optional. Or in an
    // array in rev2.
    $rev1 = $REV;
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
    $rev2 = $INPUT->ref('rev2');
    if(is_array($rev2)) {
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
        $rev1 = (int) $rev2[0];
        $rev2 = (int) $rev2[1];
        if(!$rev1) {
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Andreas Gohr committed
            $rev1 = $rev2;
    } else {
        $rev2 = $INPUT->int('rev2');
     * Determine left and right revision, its texts and the header
    $r_minor = '';
    $l_minor = '';

    if($text) { // compare text to the most current revision
        $l_rev = '';
        $l_text = rawWiki($ID, '');
        $l_head = '<a class="wikilink1" href="' . wl($ID) . '">' .
            $ID . ' ' . dformat((int) @filemtime(wikiFN($ID))) . '</a> ' .
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Andreas Gohr committed

        $r_rev = '';
        $r_text = cleanText($text);
        $r_head = $lang['yours'];
    } else {
        if($rev1 && isset($rev2) && $rev2) { // two specific revisions wanted
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Andreas Gohr committed
            // make sure order is correct (older on the left)
            if($rev1 < $rev2) {
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Andreas Gohr committed
                $l_rev = $rev1;
                $r_rev = $rev2;
            } else {
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
                $l_rev = $rev2;
                $r_rev = $rev1;
        } elseif($rev1) { // single revision given, compare to current
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
            $r_rev = '';
            $l_rev = $rev1;
        } else { // no revision was given, compare previous to current
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
            $r_rev = '';
            $revs = $pagelog->getRevisions(0, 1);
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
            $l_rev = $revs[0];
            $REV = $l_rev; // store revision back in $REV

        // when both revisions are empty then the page was created just now
        if(!$l_rev && !$r_rev) {
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
            $l_text = '';
        } else {
            $l_text = rawWiki($ID, $l_rev);
        $r_text = rawWiki($ID, $r_rev);
        list($l_head, $r_head, $l_minor, $r_minor) = html_diff_head($l_rev, $r_rev, null, false, $type == 'inline');
    $l_nav = '';
    $r_nav = '';
    if(!$text) {
        list($l_nav, $r_nav) = html_diff_navigation($pagelog, $type, $l_rev, $r_rev);
     * Create diff object and the formatter
    $diff = new Diff(explode("\n", $l_text), explode("\n", $r_text));

    if($type == 'inline') {
        $diffformatter = new InlineDiffFormatter();
    } else {
        $diffformatter = new TableDiffFormatter();
     * Display intro
    if($intro) print p_locale_xhtml('diff');
     * Display type and exact reference
    if(!$text) {
        ptln('<div class="diffoptions group">');

        $form = new Doku_Form(array('action' => wl()));
        $form->addHidden('id', $ID);
        $form->addHidden('rev2[0]', $l_rev);
        $form->addHidden('rev2[1]', $r_rev);
        $form->addHidden('do', 'diff');
                     'sidebyside' => $lang['diff_side'],
                     'inline' => $lang['diff_inline']
                 '', '',
                 array('class' => 'quickselect')
        $form->addElement(form_makeButton('submit', 'diff', 'Go'));

        // link to exactly this view FS#2835
        echo html_diff_navigationlink($type, 'difflink', $l_rev, $r_rev ? $r_rev : $INFO['currentrev']);

        ptln('</div>'); // .diffoptions

     * Display diff view table
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Andreas Gohr committed
    <table class="diff diff_<?php echo $type ?>">

        //navigation and header
        if($type == 'inline') {
            if(!$text) { ?>
                    <td class="diff-lineheader">-</td>
                    <td class="diffnav"><?php echo $l_nav ?></td>
                    <th class="diff-lineheader">-</th>
                    <th <?php echo $l_minor ?>>
                        <?php echo $l_head ?>
            <?php } ?>
                <td class="diff-lineheader">+</td>
                <td class="diffnav"><?php echo $r_nav ?></td>
                <th class="diff-lineheader">+</th>
                <th <?php echo $r_minor ?>>
                    <?php echo $r_head ?>
        <?php } else {
            if(!$text) { ?>
                    <td colspan="2" class="diffnav"><?php echo $l_nav ?></td>
                    <td colspan="2" class="diffnav"><?php echo $r_nav ?></td>
            <?php } ?>
                <th colspan="2" <?php echo $l_minor ?>>
                    <?php echo $l_head ?>
                <th colspan="2" <?php echo $r_minor ?>>
                    <?php echo $r_head ?>
        <?php }

        //diff view
        echo html_insert_softbreaks($diffformatter->format($diff)); ?>

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 * Create html for revision navigation
 * @param PageChangeLog $pagelog changelog object of current page
 * @param string        $type    inline vs sidebyside
 * @param int           $l_rev   left revision timestamp
 * @param int           $r_rev   right revision timestamp
 * @return string[] html of left and right navigation elements
function html_diff_navigation($pagelog, $type, $l_rev, $r_rev) {
    global $INFO, $ID;

    // last timestamp is not in changelog, retrieve timestamp from metadata
    // note: when page is removed, the metadata timestamp is zero
    if(!$r_rev) {
        if(isset($INFO['meta']['last_change']['date'])) {
            $r_rev = $INFO['meta']['last_change']['date'];
        } else {
            $r_rev = 0;

    //retrieve revisions with additional info
    list($l_revs, $r_revs) = $pagelog->getRevisionsAround($l_rev, $r_rev);
    $l_revisions = array();
    if(!$l_rev) {
        $l_revisions[0] = array(0, "", false); //no left revision given, add dummy
    foreach($l_revs as $rev) {
        $info = $pagelog->getRevisionInfo($rev);
        $l_revisions[$rev] = array(
            dformat($info['date']) . ' ' . editorinfo($info['user'], true) . ' ' . $info['sum'],
            $r_rev ? $rev >= $r_rev : false //disable?
    $r_revisions = array();
    if(!$r_rev) {
        $r_revisions[0] = array(0, "", false); //no right revision given, add dummy
    foreach($r_revs as $rev) {
        $info = $pagelog->getRevisionInfo($rev);
        $r_revisions[$rev] = array(
            dformat($info['date']) . ' ' . editorinfo($info['user'], true) . ' ' . $info['sum'],
            $rev <= $l_rev //disable?
    //determine previous/next revisions
    $l_index = array_search($l_rev, $l_revs);
    $l_prev = $l_revs[$l_index + 1];
    $l_next = $l_revs[$l_index - 1];
    if($r_rev) {
        $r_index = array_search($r_rev, $r_revs);
        $r_prev = $r_revs[$r_index + 1];
        $r_next = $r_revs[$r_index - 1];
    } else {
        //removed page
        if($l_next) {
            $r_prev = $r_revs[0];
        } else {
            $r_prev = null;
        $r_next = null;

     * Left side:
    $l_nav = '';
    //move back
    if($l_prev) {
        $l_nav .= html_diff_navigationlink($type, 'diffbothprevrev', $l_prev, $r_prev);
        $l_nav .= html_diff_navigationlink($type, 'diffprevrev', $l_prev, $r_rev);
    $form = new Doku_Form(array('action' => wl()));
    $form->addHidden('id', $ID);
    $form->addHidden('difftype', $type);
    $form->addHidden('rev2[1]', $r_rev);
    $form->addHidden('do', 'diff');
             '', '', '',
             array('class' => 'quickselect')
    $form->addElement(form_makeButton('submit', 'diff', 'Go'));
    $l_nav .= $form->getForm();
    //move forward
    if($l_next && ($l_next < $r_rev || !$r_rev)) {
        $l_nav .= html_diff_navigationlink($type, 'diffnextrev', $l_next, $r_rev);

     * Right side:
    $r_nav = '';
    //move back
    if($l_rev < $r_prev) {
        $r_nav .= html_diff_navigationlink($type, 'diffprevrev', $l_rev, $r_prev);
    $form = new Doku_Form(array('action' => wl()));
    $form->addHidden('id', $ID);
    $form->addHidden('rev2[0]', $l_rev);
    $form->addHidden('difftype', $type);
    $form->addHidden('do', 'diff');
             '', '', '',
             array('class' => 'quickselect')
    $form->addElement(form_makeButton('submit', 'diff', 'Go'));
    $r_nav .= $form->getForm();
    //move forward
    if($r_next) {
        if($pagelog->isCurrentRevision($r_next)) {
            $r_nav .= html_diff_navigationlink($type, 'difflastrev', $l_rev); //last revision is diff with current page
        } else {
            $r_nav .= html_diff_navigationlink($type, 'diffnextrev', $l_rev, $r_next);
        $r_nav .= html_diff_navigationlink($type, 'diffbothnextrev', $l_next, $r_next);
    return array($l_nav, $r_nav);

 * Create html link to a diff defined by two revisions
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Anika Henke committed
 * @param string $difftype display type
 * @param string $linktype
 * @param int $lrev oldest revision
 * @param int $rrev newest revision or null for diff with current revision
 * @return string html of link to a diff
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Anika Henke committed
function html_diff_navigationlink($difftype, $linktype, $lrev, $rrev = null) {
    global $ID, $lang;
        $urlparam = array(
            'do' => 'diff',
            'rev' => $lrev,
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Anika Henke committed
            'difftype' => $difftype,
    } else {
        $urlparam = array(
            'do' => 'diff',
            'rev2[0]' => $lrev,
            'rev2[1]' => $rrev,
Anika Henke's avatar
Anika Henke committed
            'difftype' => $difftype,
    return  '<a class="' . $linktype . '" href="' . wl($ID, $urlparam) . '" title="' . $lang[$linktype] . '">' .
                '<span>' . $lang[$linktype] . '</span>' .
            '</a>' . "\n";
Gerrit Uitslag's avatar
Gerrit Uitslag committed
 * Insert soft breaks in diff html
 * @param string $diffhtml
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Gerrit Uitslag committed
 * @return string
function html_insert_softbreaks($diffhtml) {
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Matt Perry committed
    // search the diff html string for both:
    // - html tags, so these can be ignored
    // - long strings of characters without breaking characters
    return preg_replace_callback('/<[^>]*>|[^<> ]{12,}/','html_softbreak_callback',$diffhtml);
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Gerrit Uitslag committed
 * callback which adds softbreaks
 * @param array $match array with first the complete match
 * @return string the replacement
function html_softbreak_callback($match){
Matt Perry's avatar
Matt Perry committed
    // if match is an html tag, return it intact
    if ($match[0]{0} == '<') return $match[0];
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Matt Perry committed
    // its a long string without a breaking character,
    // make certain characters into breaking characters by inserting a
    // word break opportunity (<wbr> tag) in front of them.
Matt Perry's avatar
Matt Perry committed
    $regex = <<< REGEX
(?(?=                                 # start a conditional expression with a positive look ahead ...
&\#?\\w{1,6};)                        # ... for html entities - we don't want to split them (ok to catch some invalid combinations)
&\#?\\w{1,6};                         # yes pattern - a quicker match for the html entity, since we know we have one
[?/,&\#;:]                            # no pattern - any other group of 'special' characters to insert a breaking character after
)+                                    # end conditional expression
    return preg_replace('<'.$regex.'>xu','\0<wbr>',$match[0]);
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andi committed
 * show warning on conflict detection
 * @author Andreas Gohr <>
 * @param string $text
 * @param string $summary
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andi's avatar
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function html_conflict($text,$summary){
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
    global $ID;
    global $lang;

    print p_locale_xhtml('conflict');
    $form = new Doku_Form(array('id' => 'dw__editform'));
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
    $form->addHidden('id', $ID);
    $form->addHidden('wikitext', $text);
    $form->addHidden('summary', $summary);
    $form->addElement(form_makeButton('submit', 'save', $lang['btn_save'], array('accesskey'=>'s')));
    $form->addElement(form_makeButton('submit', 'cancel', $lang['btn_cancel']));
    html_form('conflict', $form);
    print '<br /><br /><br /><br />'.NL;
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andi's avatar
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 * Prints the global message array
 * @author Andreas Gohr <>
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andi committed
function html_msgarea(){
    /** @var array $MSG */
    // store if the global $MSG has already been shown and thus HTML output has been started
    $MSG_shown = true;

    if(!isset($MSG)) return;

    $shown = array();
    foreach($MSG as $msg){
        $hash = md5($msg['msg']);
        if(isset($shown[$hash])) continue; // skip double messages
            print '<div class="'.$msg['lvl'].'">';
            print $msg['msg'];
            print '</div>';
        $shown[$hash] = 1;
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andi committed

 * Prints the registration form
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andi committed
 * @author Andreas Gohr <>
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andi committed
function html_register(){
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
    global $lang;
    global $conf;
    global $INPUT;
    $base_attrs = array('size'=>50,'required'=>'required');
    $email_attrs = $base_attrs + array('type'=>'email','class'=>'edit');

Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
    print p_locale_xhtml('register');
    print '<div class="centeralign">'.NL;
    $form = new Doku_Form(array('id' => 'dw__register'));
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
    $form->addHidden('do', 'register');
    $form->addHidden('save', '1');
    $form->addElement(form_makeTextField('login', $INPUT->post->str('login'), $lang['user'], '', 'block', $base_attrs));
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
    if (!$conf['autopasswd']) {
        $form->addElement(form_makePasswordField('pass', $lang['pass'], '', 'block', $base_attrs));
        $form->addElement(form_makePasswordField('passchk', $lang['passchk'], '', 'block', $base_attrs));
    $form->addElement(form_makeTextField('fullname', $INPUT->post->str('fullname'), $lang['fullname'], '', 'block', $base_attrs));
    $form->addElement(form_makeField('email','email', $INPUT->post->str('email'), $lang['email'], '', 'block', $email_attrs));
    $form->addElement(form_makeButton('submit', '', $lang['btn_register']));
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
    html_form('register', $form);

    print '</div>'.NL;
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andi committed

 * Print the update profile form
 * @author Christopher Smith <>
 * @author Andreas Gohr <>
function html_updateprofile(){
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
    global $lang;
    global $conf;
    global $INPUT;
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
    global $INFO;
Gerrit Uitslag's avatar
Gerrit Uitslag committed
    /** @var DokuWiki_Auth_Plugin $auth */
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
    global $auth;

    print p_locale_xhtml('updateprofile');
    print '<div class="centeralign">'.NL;
    $fullname = $INPUT->post->str('fullname', $INFO['userinfo']['name'], true);
    $email = $INPUT->post->str('email', $INFO['userinfo']['mail'], true);
    $form = new Doku_Form(array('id' => 'dw__register'));
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
    $form->addHidden('do', 'profile');
    $form->addHidden('save', '1');
    $form->addElement(form_makeTextField('login', $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'], $lang['user'], '', 'block', array('size'=>'50', 'disabled'=>'disabled')));
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
    $attr = array('size'=>'50');
    if (!$auth->canDo('modName')) $attr['disabled'] = 'disabled';
    $form->addElement(form_makeTextField('fullname', $fullname, $lang['fullname'], '', 'block', $attr));
    $attr = array('size'=>'50', 'class'=>'edit');
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
    if (!$auth->canDo('modMail')) $attr['disabled'] = 'disabled';
    $form->addElement(form_makeField('email','email', $email, $lang['email'], '', 'block', $attr));
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
    if ($auth->canDo('modPass')) {
        $form->addElement(form_makePasswordField('newpass', $lang['newpass'], '', 'block', array('size'=>'50')));
        $form->addElement(form_makePasswordField('passchk', $lang['passchk'], '', 'block', array('size'=>'50')));
    if ($conf['profileconfirm']) {
        $form->addElement(form_makePasswordField('oldpass', $lang['oldpass'], '', 'block', array('size'=>'50', 'required' => 'required')));
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
    $form->addElement(form_makeButton('submit', '', $lang['btn_save']));
    $form->addElement(form_makeButton('reset', '', $lang['btn_reset']));
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
    html_form('updateprofile', $form);

    if ($auth->canDo('delUser') && actionOK('profile_delete')) {
        $form_profiledelete = new Doku_Form(array('id' => 'dw__profiledelete'));
        $form_profiledelete->addHidden('do', 'profile_delete');
        $form_profiledelete->addHidden('delete', '1');
        $form_profiledelete->addElement(form_makeCheckboxField('confirm_delete', '1', $lang['profconfdelete'],'dw__confirmdelete','', array('required' => 'required')));
        if ($conf['profileconfirm']) {
            $form_profiledelete->addElement(form_makePasswordField('oldpass', $lang['oldpass'], '', 'block', array('size'=>'50', 'required' => 'required')));
        $form_profiledelete->addElement(form_makeButton('submit', '', $lang['btn_deleteuser']));

        html_form('profiledelete', $form_profiledelete);

Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
    print '</div>'.NL;
andi's avatar
andi committed
 * Preprocess edit form data
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andi committed
 * @author   Andreas Gohr <>
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andi committed
function html_edit(){
    global $INPUT;
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
    global $ID;
    global $REV;
    global $DATE;
    global $PRE;
    global $SUF;
    global $INFO;
    global $SUM;
    global $lang;
    global $conf;
    global $TEXT;
    if ($INPUT->has('changecheck')) {
        $check = $INPUT->str('changecheck');
    } elseif(!$INFO['exists']){
        // $TEXT has been loaded from page template
        $check = md5('');
    } else {
        $check = md5($TEXT);
    $mod = md5($TEXT) !== $check;
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed

    $wr = $INFO['writable'] && !$INFO['locked'];
    $include = 'edit';
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
        if ($REV) $include = 'editrev';
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
        // check pseudo action 'source'
            msg('Command disabled: source',-1);
        $include = 'read';
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
    global $license;

    $form = new Doku_Form(array('id' => 'dw__editform'));
    $form->addHidden('id', $ID);
    $form->addHidden('rev', $REV);
    $form->addHidden('date', $DATE);
    $form->addHidden('prefix', $PRE . '.');
    $form->addHidden('suffix', $SUF);
    $form->addHidden('changecheck', $check);

    $data = array('form' => $form,
                  'wr'   => $wr,
                  'media_manager' => true,
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
                  'target' => ($INPUT->has('target') && $wr) ? $INPUT->str('target') : 'section',
                  'intro_locale' => $include);

    if ($data['target'] !== 'section') {
        // Only emit event if page is writable, section edit data is valid and
        // edit target is not section.
        trigger_event('HTML_EDIT_FORMSELECTION', $data, 'html_edit_form', true);
    } else {
    if (isset($data['intro_locale'])) {
        echo p_locale_xhtml($data['intro_locale']);
    $form->addHidden('target', $data['target']);
    if ($INPUT->has('hid')) {
        $form->addHidden('hid', $INPUT->str('hid'));
LarsDW223's avatar
LarsDW223 committed
    if ($INPUT->has('codeblockOffset')) {
        $form->addHidden('codeblockOffset', $INPUT->str('codeblockOffset'));
Anika Henke's avatar
Anika Henke committed
    $form->addElement(form_makeOpenTag('div', array('id'=>'wiki__editbar', 'class'=>'editBar')));
    $form->addElement(form_makeOpenTag('div', array('id'=>'size__ctl')));
    if ($wr) {
        $form->addElement(form_makeOpenTag('div', array('class'=>'editButtons')));
        $form->addElement(form_makeButton('submit', 'save', $lang['btn_save'], array('id'=>'edbtn__save', 'accesskey'=>'s', 'tabindex'=>'4')));
        $form->addElement(form_makeButton('submit', 'preview', $lang['btn_preview'], array('id'=>'edbtn__preview', 'accesskey'=>'p', 'tabindex'=>'5')));
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
        $form->addElement(form_makeButton('submit', 'cancel', $lang['btn_cancel'], array('tabindex'=>'6')));
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
        $form->addElement(form_makeOpenTag('div', array('class'=>'summary')));
        $form->addElement(form_makeTextField('summary', $SUM, $lang['summary'], 'edit__summary', 'nowrap', array('size'=>'50', 'tabindex'=>'2')));
        $elem = html_minoredit();
        if ($elem) $form->addElement($elem);
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
    if($wr && $conf['license']){
        $form->addElement(form_makeOpenTag('div', array('class'=>'license')));
        $out  = $lang['licenseok'];
        $out .= ' <a href="'.$license[$conf['license']]['url'].'" rel="license" class="urlextern"';
        if($conf['target']['extern']) $out .= ' target="'.$conf['target']['extern'].'"';
        $out .= '>'.$license[$conf['license']]['name'].'</a>';

    if ($wr) {
        // sets changed to true when previewed
        echo '<script type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*/'. NL;
        echo 'textChanged = ' . ($mod ? 'true' : 'false');
    <div class="editBox" role="application">
    <div class="toolbar group">
        <div id="tool__bar" class="tool__bar"><?php if ($wr && $data['media_manager']){?><a href="<?php echo DOKU_BASE?>lib/exe/mediamanager.php?ns=<?php echo $INFO['namespace']?>"
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Anika Henke committed
            target="_blank"><?php echo $lang['mediaselect'] ?></a><?php }?></div>
    <div id="draft__status" class="draft__status">
        $draft = new \dokuwiki\Draft($ID, $INFO['client']);
        if ($draft->isDraftAvailable()) {
            echo $draft->getDraftMessage();

    html_form('edit', $form);
    print '</div>'.NL;

 * Display the default edit form
 * Is the default action for HTML_EDIT_FORMSELECTION.
 * @param mixed[] $param
function html_edit_form($param) {
    global $TEXT;

    if ($param['target'] !== 'section') {
        msg('No editor for edit target ' . hsc($param['target']) . ' found.', -1);
    $attr = array('tabindex'=>'1');
    if (!$param['wr']) $attr['readonly'] = 'readonly';

    $param['form']->addElement(form_makeWikiText($TEXT, $attr));
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Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
 * Adds a checkbox for minor edits for logged in users
 * @author Andreas Gohr <>
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
function html_minoredit(){
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
    global $conf;
    global $lang;
    global $INPUT;
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
    // minor edits are for logged in users only
    if(!$conf['useacl'] || !$_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']){
        return false;

    $p = array();
    $p['tabindex'] = 3;
    if($INPUT->bool('minor')) $p['checked']='checked';
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
    return form_makeCheckboxField('minor', '1', $lang['minoredit'], 'minoredit', 'nowrap', $p);
andi's avatar
andi committed
 * prints some debug info
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andi committed
 * @author Andreas Gohr <>
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andi committed
function html_debug(){
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
    global $conf;
    global $lang;
Gerrit Uitslag's avatar
Gerrit Uitslag committed
    /** @var DokuWiki_Auth_Plugin $auth */
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
    global $auth;
    global $INFO;

    //remove sensitive data
    $cnf = $conf;
    $nfo = $INFO;
    $ses = $_SESSION;

    print '<html><body>';

    print '<p>When reporting bugs please send all the following ';
    print 'output as a mail to ';
    print 'The best way to do this is to save this page in your browser</p>';

    print '<b>$INFO:</b><pre>';
    print '</pre>';

    print '<b>$_SERVER:</b><pre>';
    print '</pre>';

    print '<b>$conf:</b><pre>';
    print '</pre>';

    print '<b>DOKU_BASE:</b><pre>';
    print DOKU_BASE;
    print '</pre>';

    print '<b>abs DOKU_BASE:</b><pre>';
    print DOKU_URL;
    print '</pre>';

    print '<b>rel DOKU_BASE:</b><pre>';
    print dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']).'/';
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
    print '</pre>';

Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
    print '<b>PHP Version:</b><pre>';
    print phpversion();
    print '</pre>';

    print '<b>locale:</b><pre>';
    print setlocale(LC_ALL,0);
    print '</pre>';

    print '<b>encoding:</b><pre>';
    print $lang['encoding'];
    print '</pre>';

        print '<b>Auth backend capabilities:</b><pre>';
        foreach ($auth->getCapabilities() as $cando){
            print '   '.str_pad($cando,16) . ' => ' . (int)$auth->canDo($cando) . NL;
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
        print '</pre>';

    print '<b>$_SESSION:</b><pre>';
    print '</pre>';
Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
    print '<b>Environment:</b><pre>';
    print '</pre>';
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Andreas Gohr's avatar
Andreas Gohr committed
    print '<b>PHP settings:</b><pre>';
    $inis = ini_get_all();
    print '</pre>';
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andi committed

    if (function_exists('apache_get_version')) {
        $apache = array();
        $apache['version'] = apache_get_version();

        if (function_exists('apache_get_modules')) {
            $apache['modules'] = apache_get_modules();
        print '<b>Apache</b><pre>';
        print '</pre>';

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Andreas Gohr committed
    print '</body></html>';
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andi committed

 * Form to request a new password for an existing account
 * @author Benoit Chesneau <>
 * @author Andreas Gohr <>
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Andreas Gohr committed
    global $lang;