- Apr 28, 2006
Andreas Gohr authored
The search() function now accepts an array in $func for giving object methods as callback. darcs-hash:20060428184554-7ad00-2d1726d078683ea41c72f6ca67ded3e1eccfdf17.gz
- Apr 20, 2006
Ben Coburn authored
The HTTP Cache-Control header output now respects the Dokuwiki media parameters 'cache', 'recache', and 'nocache'. - cache: cachetime or one hour (which ever is larger) - recache: remaining cachetime + 10 seconds so the newly recached media is used - nocache: no caching Notes: - 'proxy-revalidate' should ensure that public caches always revalidate, this will keep caches from (accidentally) ignoring Dokuwiki's ACL rules. - 'no-transform' should keep media from being modified in transit by caches. Impact: Speeds up page layout/display by browsers when they already have the media in their [memory] cache. For example the 2nd time a page is viewed. This also reduces server load by eliminating most of the overhead needed to return '304 Not Modified' responses each time an image is viewed. darcs-hash:20060421025424-05dcb-23ff26c5cb410bcd166299a840f4c500fa0d112e.gz
Ben Coburn authored
Fixes a major bug in fetching remote media with 'recache' and improves the efficiency of 'nocache'. Recache: - Used to reload the remote media on EVERY request. - Now it behaves as intended and only reloads the remote media into the Dokuwiki cache every $conf['cachetime'] time. Nocache: - No longer stores remote media in the Dokuwiki cache. - No longer loads, saves, and forwards remote media -- just redirects. - No longer resizes images on the server because the cached results can not be reused. Overall this is faster for Dokuwiki. The bandwidth usage for the 3rd party server is the same (less for Dokuwiki). Page loading should also be faster because data is not being forwarded through Dokuwiki (and the 3rd part server's cache control headers will be respected automatically). darcs-hash:20060421012210-05dcb-a6029baa0fad218ace28e0e3c2f442b1ca645a99.gz
- Apr 27, 2006
Ben Coburn authored
Does client-side rewriting of accesskey tooltip text so that it will be more OS and browser specific. Dokuwiki should output all accesskey tooltips as [ALT+<key>] because this patch matches on "[ALT+". darcs-hash:20060428015158-05dcb-0102a1b2068c053e81dd21ad3927c78b6c9f349e.gz
- Apr 24, 2006
chris authored
correct handling of enablePreventDefault in advise_before() improved comments for trigger_event() wrapper darcs-hash:20060424234541-9b6ab-b07040f60b86c40466b95d92514b0a0d60674a83.gz
chris authored
This is a major revision of DokuWiki's event system. There are changes to class names, function names, function parameters and their order and event names. For action plugin writers the following changes are important: - <event_name> is no longer signalled, only <event_name>_BEFORE and <event_name>_AFTER. - note the case change for _BEFORE and _AFTER - calling stopPropagation while processing a _BEFORE signal no longer prevents an _AFTER signal. The events _continue value is reset before the _AFTER signal is made. - events have a new readonly property, canPreventDefault. This lets the event handling hook know whether or not the event honours preventDefault calls. - parameters have changed for the register_hook method, parameters are now $event_name, $advise (can be 'BEFORE' or 'AFTER') $object $method $param (this parameter is now optional) - parameter order has changed for the hook event handler callback functions &$event $param (can now be left off) Event names have changed, they are now structured <dokuwiki name>_<event data name>_<action_name or state if no action> DOKUWIKI_START darcs-hash:20060424220152-9b6ab-00e366288f7ec8a85b85dc83694a5f43a07aa082.gz
Andreas Gohr authored
Andreas Gohr authored
- Apr 19, 2006
alexander.krause authored
- Apr 18, 2006
Silvia S authored
spelling and gender corrections - added all missing translations for dir. inc/lang/it darcs-hash:20060418173433-6f5f9-090be4bcb32b4075358de113941cf491e2cde215.gz
Andreas Gohr authored
Andreas Gohr authored
- Apr 17, 2006
Andreas Gohr authored
- Apr 16, 2006
mtbrains authored
- Apr 17, 2006
Andreas Gohr authored
- Apr 15, 2006
chris authored
chris authored
event TPL_ACTION_HTML data $ACT action tpl_content_core (formerly tpl_content) This event is a wrapper for tpl_content() (now tpl_content_core()) and as such is a full trigger, meaning it issues three advises: - TPL_ACTION_HTML_before - TPL_ACTION_HTML - TPL_ACTION_HTML_after Event handlers can output HTML before and/or after the main Dokuwiki page output and can prevent the default dokuwiki page generation taking place. Example uses could include: - replacements for dokuwiki command handlers like index. - appending a discussion section to the page by handling TPL_ACTION_HTML_after event TPL_DISPLAY_HTML data html output produced by tpl_content_core[1] action send output to browser Event handlers can post process the HTML output before it is sent to the client browser. This is a full trigger, meaning it issues three advises - TPL_DISPLAY_HTML_before - TPL_DISPLAY_HTML - TPL_DISPLAY_HTML_after darcs-hash:20060415160847-9b6ab-d7affcb1aaf49aecfaf9bc1e78a82ceb8ae409f7.gz
chris authored
Event data an array of headers dokuwiki will send[1]. The default action is to output all the headers in order using the header() function. This event is a full trigger, meaning there are three advises: - SEND_HEADERS_before - SEND_HEADERS - SEND_HEADERS_after Handlers of this event can add/modify/delete the headers in the event data. The event data must remain an array, even if emptied. [1] There is one dokuwiki header 'Content-Type: text/html; charset darcs-hash:20060415160210-9b6ab-841bd034b797c7f1b8d4bbc66f90185a16e5a043.gz
chris authored
event DOKUWIKI_START This event is advisory only. There is no event data There is no default action The event is signalled after Dokuwiki has completed its initialisation phase and before it closes the session. Most Dokuwiki globals will have been created and populated, the global $_SESSION var will still be in existence. Note: Even after $_SESSION has been closed a plugin can reopen the session to access session data - as long as headers have not already been sent. For more information refer to lib/plugins/config/admin.php. event DOKUWIKI_END This event is advisory only. There is no event data There is no default action The event is signalled after all processing has been completed as the last thing doku.php does before exiting. It is possible that under certain circumstances dokuwiki will exit without returning to doku.php and this event may not then be signalled. darcs-hash:20060415152444-9b6ab-1e41d0265f2a6660ad497dd387c7930251dc4030.gz
Esther Brunner authored
- Apr 14, 2006
chris authored
This event is advisory only. Event data is the $ACT variable The default action is to display an "unknown action" message The event is triggered by tpl_content if it does not recognise the $ACT value. It is the complement to event 'ACTION_DISPATCH'. Handlers of this event can output XHTML which will be displayed in the main dokuwiki window - ie. where the wiki page would normally be displayed. darcs-hash:20060414201705-9b6ab-f8ede6a2fb601d734c115ee09bb57195ad7d1e2b.gz
chris authored
This event is advisory only. Event data is the handler object. There is no default action to prevent. The event is signalled by the handler during its finalisation of the instruction list. At the time of signalling the instruction list is complete except for three instrucitons, meta, document_start & document_end. Syntax plugins could register for this event to finalise processing of their data knowing it is complete, e.g. an alternate footnote plugin. darcs-hash:20060414201101-9b6ab-eba2d096ed3b82e1ec6b24ee90caaa9849f16093.gz
chris authored
The 'ACTION_DISPATCH' event[1] is triggered prior to any processing of the $ACT variable[2]. This gives custom content the opportunity to add new "do" commands and to process any custom form data. This event is advisory only (there are no '_before' or '_after' advise) Preventing default action will skip Dokuwiki's own processing of the $ACT value, this includes its cleansing of the $ACT variable. [1] also refer ACTION_TEMPLATE event [2] $ACT is the do variable from the query string darcs-hash:20060414195601-9b6ab-8ae62d2c3a7c6f8c09c77436d9adbaba5404f51b.gz
chris authored
This patch adds events and a third plugin type, "action" plugins, to DokuWiki. The patch doesn't include any event signalling, that will be added in later patches. Action plugins are loaded before most Dokuwiki processing takes place and at the same time are given the opportunity to register handlers (or hooks) to receive specific dokuwiki events. Other parts of Dokuwiki (e.g. templates and syntax plugins) can also register handlers to receive events. Any part of Dokuwiki can create and signal events, including templates and plugins. This patch also revises the admin plugin class by making it an extension of a new class, DokuWiki_Plugin. The DokuWiki_Plugin_Action class also extends this new class. Further details of events, their signalling and handling, and of action plugins will be added to wiki.splitbrain.org in due course :-) darcs-hash:20060414193737-9b6ab-f23d3d9b93e4c50a3ad97ced03eabc6c0363650b.gz
Andreas Gohr authored
Now allows links like [[..:..:page]] darcs-hash:20060414150358-7ad00-88394caabc6ee2ce7137694e2a0c0c98e7534ea5.gz
Andreas Gohr authored
Andreas Gohr authored
Feeds are now parsed with SimplePie. The feed syntax was enhanced darcs-hash:20060414110047-7ad00-6dd4b96845baab8683a2f837d6ad6fcb2fd53131.gz
- Apr 12, 2006
Andreas Gohr authored
Now all filetype icons have the same style and work on light and dark backgrounds. A test file was added to lib/images/fileicons/index.php darcs-hash:20060412195703-7ad00-4d31a65788e8da0255ea6e064382595e8ae183ff.gz
Andreas Gohr authored
- Apr 11, 2006
Andreas Gohr authored
- Apr 10, 2006
Ben Coburn authored
Uses the first heading as the page name in the default template if $conf['useheading'] is set. Updates tpl_pagetitle() so that it can return this value. darcs-hash:20060410234311-05dcb-b4636f7c0d8f98658a6097ea9ee4dff1ee2de8b4.gz
Andreas Gohr authored
- Apr 09, 2006
chris authored
- revisions to header class and section handling header pattern simplified header class now writes section open and close instructions section call writer removed check for and update meta['first_header'] if required (see below) - meta instruction added written by _finalize to front of instruction stack holds first header information plugins can now write first header information, or other page meta information to this data structure. - get_first_heading updated to make use of meta['first_header'] - plugin instruction structure changed to include lexer state in the data portion of the instruction. OLD INSTRUCTION: array('plugin', array(<plugin name>,<plugin_data>,$pos), $pos) NEW INSTRUCTION: array('plugin', array(<plugin name>,<plugin_data>,$state), $pos) - block handler/call writer update to better handle plugin PTypes 'block' & 'stack'. Lexer states are mapped as follows: DOKU_LEXER_ENTER, DOKU_LEXER_SPECIAL : block_open, stack_open DOKU_LEXER_EXIT, DOKU_LEXER_SPECIAL : block_close, stack_close DOKU_LEXER_MATCHED, DOKU_LEXER_UNMATCHED : plugin must handle <p> Plugin writers can now use these PTypes as intended ! darcs-hash:20060409214958-9b6ab-cd2cef97a6a2521e3a02175075b8ff4648035f69.gz
- Apr 10, 2006
Andreas Gohr authored
Yann authored
- Apr 09, 2006
chris authored
Update default plugins to ensure they exit immediately if not called from within Dokuwiki darcs-hash:20060409233841-9b6ab-555e4fced756849a5d7b9de6e4aaaea24c6da3ae.gz
chris authored
Ben Coburn authored
Tells standards compliant browsers that conditional requests for CSS and JS need only be made once an hour. This should reduce page display latency on some browsers. Originated from the comment in this thread: http://www.freelists.org/archives/dokuwiki/03-2006/msg00590.html darcs-hash:20060410012723-05dcb-eccb42aefe85c9dbb4f35fdf03a9635561cf5710.gz
Andreas Gohr authored
This patch updates the feedcreator.class.php with a few non official changes found at [1] - the download link didn't work at this page so [2] was used. Some additional minor modifications were done. feed.php now accepts the type darcs-hash:20060409132507-7ad00-8e5986631146eca9606aa1fb48278cb045a5db0a.gz
Ben Coburn authored
- Using the export modes 'handler', 'lexer', 'parser', or 'renderer' now produces a nicer non-fatal error. - The export mode 'wiki' is now ignored to avoid fatal errors. darcs-hash:20060409045546-05dcb-89f4c56c23d9798f4cb2dd000804cb8c03524b6d.gz