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  1. Sep 16, 2006
    • Andreas Gohr's avatar
      updatecheck feature · c29dc6e4
      Andreas Gohr authored
      This patch adds a feature to let DokuWiki automatically check if updates are
      available or any other important messages (like security warnings) and then
      display this info to the admin user.
      DokuWiki will contact the URL
      with a parameter telling it which messages it already know (read from
      conf/msg) - the server side script then will return all new messages.
      The messages will be displayed until DokuWiki was upgraded or conf/msg
      was updated manually. Messages are cached and only checked once a day.
      The messenger URL will probably change before the next release.
    • Andreas Gohr's avatar
      cleanID on passforgot action #861 · 036b9e65
      Andreas Gohr authored
  2. Sep 15, 2006
    • chris's avatar
      minor update to cache.php · 0abe1d3e
      chris authored
      this update changes the processing sequence slightly
      to make the cache item's dependencies ($this->depends)
      available before _useCache is called.
      ie. the dependencies will be available to and modifiable
          by handlers of the PARSER_USE_CACHE event.
  3. Sep 16, 2006
  4. Sep 15, 2006
  5. Sep 13, 2006
  6. Sep 10, 2006
    • Ben Coburn's avatar
      reorganize changelog code · 7d559c7f
      Ben Coburn authored
      Moves changelog code to 'inc/changelog.php'
      and includes it from 'inc/common.php'.
    • Ben Coburn's avatar
      changelog redesign update · e45b34cd
      Ben Coburn authored
      - Improves handling of deleted revisions.
      - Import plugin disables after import.
      - Check act reports if plugin is still enabled after the import.
      - Import correctly handles summaries without the minor prefix.
      - Newlines and tabs are now striped out of type, sum,
        and extra in the changelog.
  7. Sep 08, 2006
  8. Sep 10, 2006
    • chris's avatar
      parser caching update · 4b5f4f4e
      chris authored
      This patch primarily updates p_cached_xhtml() and p_cached_instructions() to
      allow their caching logic to be surrounded by an event trigger.
      p_cached_xhtml() has been rewritten as the more general p_cached_output() to
      support other render output formats besides 'xhtml'. All calls to
      p_cached_xhtml() have been changed to refer to the new function.
      New event:
      name:        PARSER_CACHE_USE
      data:        cache object (see below)
      action:      determine if cache file can be used
      preventable: yes
      result:      bool, true to use cache file, false otherwise
      Cache operations have been generalised in a new class, cache, extended to
      cache_parser, cache_renderer & cache_instructions. Details can be found in
      For handling of above event, key properties are:
      - page, if present the wiki page id,
              may not always be present, e.g. when called for locale xhtml files
      - file, source file
      - mode, renderer mode (e.g. 'xhtml') or 'i' for instructions
      Other changes:
      - cache class counts cache hits against attempts, results are stored in
      - adds metadata dependency to renderer page cache
      - replaces purgefile dependency for renderer cache with metadata
        'relation references' (internal link) dependency for wiki pages only
  9. Sep 09, 2006
  10. Sep 08, 2006
  11. Sep 06, 2006
  12. Sep 04, 2006
  13. Sep 03, 2006
  14. Aug 31, 2006
  15. Aug 30, 2006
    • chris's avatar
      search improvements · 9ee93076
      chris authored
      - make utf8 algorithm default
      - add workaround for utf8_substr() limitations, bug #891
      - fix some indexes which missed out on conversion to utf8
        character counts
      - minor improvements
      - minor changes to wildcard matching code to improve performance
        (changes based on profiling results)
      - specifically set mb_internal_coding to utf-8 when mb_string
        functions will be used.
    • Andreas Gohr's avatar
      conflict resolution for memory cache init · bc3e97be
      Andreas Gohr authored
    • Ben Coburn's avatar
      scalable changelog redesign · 71726d78
      Ben Coburn authored
      This patch provides a rewritten changelog system that is designed to run
      efficiently on both small and large wikis. The patch includes a plugin to
      convert changelogs from the current format. The conversion is
      non-destructive and happens automatically. For more information on the new
      changelog format see "".
      In short the changelog is now stored in per-page changelog files, with a
      recent changes cache. The recent changes cache is kept in
      "/data/meta/_dokuwiki.changes" and trimmed daily. The per-page changelogs
      are kept in "/data/meta/<ns>/<page_id>.changes" files. To preserve
      revision information for revisions stored in the attic, the "*.changes"
      files are not removed when their page is deleted. This allows the full
      life-cycle of page creation, deletion, and reversion to be tracked.
      The changelog line format now uses a general "line type" field in place of
      the special "minor" change syntax. There is also an extra field that can
      be used to store arbitrary data associated with special line types. The
      reverted line type (R) is a good example. There the extra field holds the
      revision date used as the source for reverting the page. See the wiki for
      the complete syntax description.
      Code Notes
      The changelog functions have been rewritten to load the whole file only if
      it is small. For larger files, the function loads only the relevant
      chunk(s). Parsed changelog lines are cached in memory to speed future
      function calls.
      A binary search is used to locate the chunk expected to contain the
      requested revision. The whole chunk is parsed, and adjacent lines are
      optimistically cached to speed consecutive calls.
      Reads the changelog file backwards (newest first) in chunks until the
      requested number of lines have been read. Parsed changelog lines are
      cached for subsequent calls to getRevisionInfo. Because revisions are read
      from the changelog they are no longer guaranteed to exist in the attic.
      (Note: Even with lines of arbitrary length getRevisionInfo and
      getRevisions never split changelog lines while reading. This is done by
      sliding the "file pointer" forward to the end of a line after each blind
      Removed. To detect a minor edit check the type as follows:
  16. Aug 29, 2006
    • chris's avatar
      further update to global memory cache arrays · 19a32233
      chris authored
      - remove initialisation of caches in inc/pageutils.php
      - add global declaration to init.php to support init.php
        being included from within a function, e.g. unit testing
      - minor change to utf8_substr, remove non-essential brackets
        added as part of an earlier patch
  17. Aug 22, 2006
  18. Aug 28, 2006
  19. Aug 27, 2006