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Example code to demonstration/learn about Azure app service deployment using custom docker container, and learn how to deploy using Terraform. Based on a Microsoft example, see the with_terraform branch for changes
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All Matlab files associated with the cathode model in Nathaniel Leonard's Dissertation.
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All Matlab files associated with the cathode model in Nathaniel Leonard's Dissertation.
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This library provides utilities (written in Java 7) for setting CPLEX and CPOptimizer parameters based on input strings (from the command line or from a user dialog). It also contains a utility to display a listing of a CPOptimizer model.
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Example plain HTML site using GitLab Pages: https://pages.gitlab.io/plain-html
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Access the DPLA API, and return search results based on given parameters.
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Code and other materials for mining two ecology journals, Ecology and American Naturalist.
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dotCMS plugin which provides a REST API and portlets for dynamically modifying Tuckey rewrite rules.